
What do I need for swimming lessons?

Both boys have swimming lessons next week. It's a program through the city. I registered online, and when I try to call the phone number, I don't get a live person. I'm just wondering if I need to have goggles, nose plugs, and ear plugs?

Re: What do I need for swimming lessons?

  • DD's swim lessons have goggles.  That is it.  If you forget, they have a stash. 
  • Goggles if you want.  A swim suit and a towel.  At our swim program, it's really up to you.  They also have goggles there if you don't bring them or don't have them so you don't have to buy them.  At the old swim program they would use these flippers sometimes, but the classes had those.
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  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    My girls wear swim goggles for the lessons although they do spend part of the lesson without them so the kids get used to it both ways.  I know they provide them for kids who don't have their own.  Outside of a swim suit and towel, we bring shampoo so we can wash hair before we leave.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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