One of my friends suddenly faces herself facing an unexpected custody battle.
Her and her son's father (they never married) have shared joint custody since S's birth three years ago, he's actually paid more child support than he "had" to, in order to make sure that she could cover living expenses (he works odd hours, so he agreed that she should have primary custody).
He sees his son at least once a week, for overnight visits, everything was going very well. They've maintained a friendly relationship for the sake of their son, and are on good terms, split holidays, come together for his birthday, etc.
Or so she thought.
She got served with papers on Monday that he is seeking full custody. Court date is in two weeks. (I'm blaming the live-in girlfriend that's pressuring him for marriage).
He never said a word to her and this has completely blindsided her.
Since their original agreement was mutual, she never had an attorney. It was a legal agreement, but she said they just did it themselves (??).
I know the chances of him getting full custody are slim, but he does have an attorney so it's obvious he's planning on fighting for it. Which means she needs an attorney to make sure she's got her ducks in a row legally.
Any recommendations? Words of advice?
Re: Friend needs Family Lawyer in NKy ASAP - custody related
Holly A. Daugherty and Associates
513 Madison Ave.
Fourth Floor
Covington, KY 41011
859.431.4511 office
859.431.3352 facsimile
I didn't know you knew her! She's my friend IRL.
Awesome, I didn't know that! My brother was the best man in their wedding.