so much better than thinking it's Tuesday... as I have been thinking for the past 2 days. I'll be pleasantly surprised when dh is home for the weekend I guess
I agree If it were Friday by this time, I'd know if the baby is a boy or girl.
Mom to: Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).
Totally agree.... I am not motivated at all to do my work !!
I'm doing everything but mine I keep finding other things that seem more fun lol.
Mom to: Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).
Re: I feel like it should be Friday
Mother's Day, 2011
Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
Losing it...Without Losing it
I'm game - especially if some of my work will magically complete itself.
Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).
Because I'm not ready for the Commencement chaos to begin. That is why. lol
Now ... if you'd like it to be Sunday, I'd be ALL for that.
Um, hellz no!!! Then I have to come to work tomorrow?!
Well, I have to come to work Saturday (and work until 8pm Friday), so I feel like you should take one for the team! lol
How about I come hang out with you as your personal assistant. Would that be good enough?
YES! And, since we're both currently un-pregnant, I'll take you out for a drink afterward. B will watch the children. I'll inform him.
Posts on cloth trainers/PLing
I'm doing everything but mine I keep finding other things that seem more fun lol.
Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).