I like Monkey Snuggles overnights and Sbish snapless fitteds (usually with a hemp doubler) for overnight, paired with a wool cover. My favorite overnight wool right now is a Disana cover.
I highly recommend getting some Knickernappies Superdo inserts to stuff in the pockets. They will make the dipe a bit bulky, but they soak up a truly ridiculous amount of pee. We use them exclusively at night and haven't looked back.
**Landon Keith 6/03/10 6lbs. 9oz. 19 inches**
"When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can't find my way home anymore, that's when I......I look at you" Miley Cyrus
Re: Need CD
**Landon Keith 6/03/10 6lbs. 9oz. 19 inches**
"When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can't find my way home anymore, that's when I......I look at you" Miley Cyrus