I know we've had a thread on this before but I can't find it. I'm wondering about warm-weather PJ getup. It's getting warm enough at night that I need to find new nighttime gear for C. Right now she sleeps in a fleece sleepsack (or as we call it, her sleeping bag) over a t-shirt and wool soaker, but that's going to be too warm pretty fast. I have a sleeveless cotton Halo sleepsack but definitely want to have at least 1 more lightweight one for when one's washing. Are there other, less expensive brands to recommend? Also, how long do you typically use them for? We have some lightweight footie PJs we can use coming up soon (she's not quite big enough yet for them) as well. Obviously for really hot days we'd just use a shirt and soaker and not worry about her feet, but those days are probably a bit off (unless while we're in CT in a few weeks it gets to be super hot.) Thanks for help answering my dumb questions.
Re: Can we talk PJs and baby "sleeping bags?"
We ditched the sleep sacks pretty early. In decent weather Lila usually sleeps in lightweight footie PJs or lightweight pants & shirt PJs (no socks). Though on hotter summer nights our house doesn't really cool down much, so this is not at all uncommon:
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in the summer, I think I had lightweight footed jammies w/o the Sleepsack or a onsie w/ the Sleepsack. I thnk that summer she was turning one, I put her down with less on, then when she woke up to nurse, I put on the Sleepsack.
rye ditched the Sleepsack early. He does good with blankets and he is not all over the crib like his sister was. We did onsies last summer or lightweight footed jammies. He also had pants/tshirt Jammie sets. Then I have a fan on him too. This year he will get an air conditioner in his room. So we might go with the same jammies since it's gets quite chilly.
For what it's worth, we ditched swaddling at 3 months (busted out) and never did sleepsacks (though I had been given some). I tried it and he HATED them (is that weird?). Anyway, he did fine without - then he learned to roll, sleep sucked again, then he was fine again. We only just started using blankets at all a few months ago.
cool weather = footed jammies
mild weather = cotton top/bottom (sometimes socks)
hot weather = diaper only
This is us, too.
Unable to even.
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