September 2011 Moms

Lump in Breast = Appt. w/ Specialist :(

So I had my 22 wk appt. on Monday and I told my mid-wife about a lump that I have had for a few months, ok maybe longer (I know, I know) and she examined it and told me it may be a clogged duct and to try warm compresses. I thought ok, no big deal. Then yesterday afternoon she calls me, not her nurse, her personally and tells me that she was thinking about me all night and wants me to see a breast specialist for an ultrasound. She didn't like the shape it was and would rather be safe than sorry.

So, 2 things...

1. I absolutely love her even more for being so personal & on top of things.

2. I didn't sleep last night because I am so stressed out.

I'm sure it's nothing (fingers crossed). But anytime I hear specialist I get freaked out.

Keep me in yout T & P today! Appt at 2:30pm.

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Re: Lump in Breast = Appt. w/ Specialist :(

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    Big hugs. Kudos to your doctor for going with her gut and not "protocol" or whatever. I'm glad she called you personally.

    Will be thinking of you. Please post when you can and let us know what you find out.

    Wyatt 9/6/2011 
    Tessa 7/5/2013
    Baby #3- ????? (ttc soon)

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    So my heart totally skipped a beat when I saw this.  I will be praying that everything is okay--I do hear that it's fairly common for women to get benign cysts in their breasts, so let's just hope it's nothing more than that.  Kudos to your doctor for being so personal and thorough!  Keep us posted, love.
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    Try to relax, even though I'm sure that's tough.  Hopefully it's nothing and you'll be just fine.  My grandma had a lump a couple weeks ago and after they sent her to a specialist, it came back as nothing.  It's better to be safe than sorry and it's good that you're getting it checked out.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!  Let us know how it goes!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker Henry - Born October 1, 2011 Baby #2 - Due August 30, 2013!
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    You poor thing... I'll be waiting anxiously to hear back from you - but in the meantime - I'll definitely be thinking & praying about you. 

    Big hugs (and high-five to your doctor for being on the ball).

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    So my heart totally skipped a beat when I saw this.  I will be praying that everything is okay--I do hear that it's fairly common for women to get benign cysts in their breasts, so let's just hope it's nothing more than that.  Kudos to your doctor for being so personal and thorough!  Keep us posted, love.

    This---My mom got them when she was pregnant with me. GL at your appointment! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

    IAmPregnant Ticker BabyName Ticker
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    Thinking of you! Hope it's nothing and everything turns out ok. Keep us posted.
    "It's not what you look at that's what you see." Married 9.24.2005 DS born 5.2.2007 DD born 8.26.2011 imageimage
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    Italnprncess, I am sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way. You already have two great things in your court. One: a very personable- get to the bottom of it doctor. Two: nothing is ever as bad as it seems!!! Keep your head up; I'll keep an eye out for an update!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    T&Ps are with you. I had a breast lump a few years ago.... the biopsy came out inconclusive so I ended up having it removed. Turns out it was not cancerous.
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    Thinking and said a prayer for you!! Anxious to hear how the appt went! I've been there a few times, try not to worry! Hugs!
    MJ. Born 9-4-2011. 2 Weeks Old Here. Photobucket
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    I'm glad your doctor has the "better safe than sorry" philosophy.  Sounds like you're in great hands.  I'm looking forward to your post with good news for us.  Best wishes!

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    I'm sorry that you're going through this. I'm glad that your doctor seems to be on top of things though. Just so you know, I'm an ultrasound tech, and work in a breast center. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to pm me. Keep us posted.
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    mtc2009mtc2009 member

    I don't mean to "barge" in on this thread without an introduction (I sometimes lurk here because I'm due 10/1 and mostly on Oct. board- but original EDD was 9/29)

    But, I also had a lump on my breast earlier in my pregnancy.  Turns out it was related to my breast changes because of the pregnancy. When my doctor first felt it, she said that was probably the case, but said if it wasn't gone at the next appointment she would want me to see a specialist.  Luckily it did go away on its own.  So- hopefully yours is something like that.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Thinking of you and hoping your appt. goes well. I know my sister had one that got larger when she was pg with my niece. If I remember correctly they had to wait until after pg before they removed it, but all was well.

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