I would love some recommendations for fitted diapers made of natural fibers. I use pocket diapers for caretakers, but have realized that DS's skin looks so much better when I have been home with him and use cotton prefolds or bamboo/hemp/cotton fitteds with wool. His skin even looks better after the whole night (10-12 hours) in the same diaper vs 1-2 hours in a pocket.
So, I have some prefolds (not my fave), some GMD workhorse fitteds (ok but the fit isn't great), and a couple Pooters (bamboo and hemp) which I like but they are supposed to be one size and I don't think they will fit him much longer.
Any suggestions for me? Preferably something I don't have to stalk for since I don't really have time for that. TIA!
Re: Natural fiber fitteds
I have some babykicks hemp fitteds that are nice.