We just found out DH's second cousin has been living three houses away from us for the last 2 1/2 years. While they used to hang out a lot when they were younger, its been 25+ years since he last saw her. Crazy!
And one of the best parts is that she has a sweet 15 or 16 y.o. daughter who wants to babysit!
Re: Its such a small world sometimes
I am confounded that people don't know their neighbors. One of my neighbors took DS for a walk tonight because he wanted to go for a walk and DD wanted to play, another brought her DD over to play with mine in my childless neighbors sprinkler, another came over for a drink, another brought her son over to eat dinner with DD. One texted me to ask how DS was doing. Another just had a new baby and I said hi to her when she was on her way to the doctor. Another brought the dog over that she walks for her neighbor to see DS. That is just today. It baffles me that people don't know the people who live so close to them.
I am happy for you that they live close to you and you can talk to them now. Honestly, I would be bat ship crazy without my neighbors, even the crazy ones.
That is awesome! Glad you can reconnect with family and now have a babysitter!
When I was 15 I loved watching my neighbors kids.
FWIW Ive lived the same small neighborhood of townhouses (about 20 2unit buildings) on a dead end street for about 4yrs. I know 2 neighbors well enough to trust them with caring for my children any in way. I know one other because her kids are the same age as mine and are in preK & K with the girls & L. There are sidewalks on both sides of our street (culdasac at the end) and we go walking often in the warmer months. I guess it makes me snobby not to try to get to know them but I tend to stay to myself and mind my own business. Of course up until this year its been hard to stand still long enough to talk to any neighbors. The kids want to run and play.
Now that they are a tad older I can allow them to ride their bikes on the sidewalk or in the circle while I talk to the few neighbors I do know.