
$5 a cupcake, seriously?

I got a quote from a bakery to make these cute cupcakes for the big first birthday coming up.  I wanted cupcakes with a puppy face on them for our puppy themed party.  I wanted 4 dozen cupcakes - thats $240!  Guess the babies will have to settle for a sheet cake :( 
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Re: $5 a cupcake, seriously?

  • can you get regular cupcakes and decorate them yourselves?
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  • Are there any grocery stores in the area that will make cupcakes? 

    For $5 cupcakes they'd better be really really good cupcakes.

    <------cupcake connoisseur



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  • Dang.

    I went ghetto and just made them myself, boxed mix and all.  ;)

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  • MrsLntMrsLnt member

    Yeah, that's ridiculous.  We are not in a $5 cupcake economy.

  • Our neighbor was telling me about Walmart cupcakes.  Apparently they put all of the cupcakes together and then ice them as 1 sheet cake (so you get 1 large design that looks like a regular cake).  She said they were really good.  I've never tried them or anything, they were at a party she went to.  Just a thought. 
  • FloF9FloF9 member
    Hello to the no.  I would do the box cupcakes and that's it.  It's a kid's party KWIM?

    google some ideas for decorating them yourself.  Here's one.  I don't know if you like to bake or not, but decorating can be really fun and addictive, even if you're not artistic (I'm not!)

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  • Mrs.NGMMrs.NGM member
    Good grief, that's crazy.  And I thought the Cupcake Station near us was a bit pricey at $2.75/cupcake (though that never stops me from buying them....).
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  • I've actually never made cupcakes in my life. Pathetic, I know.  I have visions of my whole kitchen covered in cake mix and frosting if I try and do it myself.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks $5 a cupcake is ridiculous!   Plus, I would probably follow people around and make sure they ate every last morsel.  And if a kid dropped their cupcake in the grass, I'd insist he still finish it :)  
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  • pea-kaypea-kay member

    Get some plain ones, then go on etsy and look for fondant shapes of puppies. That's what I did for the boys' 2nd bday party (except it was monkeys.) If they don't do puppies already, they'll probably design some for you.

    Here is a seller that does a bunch of animals:

    This is who we used (cheaper!)

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  • If you call your local grocery store, you can normally special order items from the bakery.  I've seen some adorable cupcakes at our grocery store. It's worth a shot.  $5 is robbery!

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  • I bought 2 cupcakes for the girls' birthday, so they each had their own.  They cost $4.50 each, but the bakery put a cookie on top and decorated the cookie part in the theme of their party.  Since there was no way I was spending that much to buy everyone a cupcake, I bought a Dairy Queen blizzard cake for the adults. 
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  • That's more than Georgetown Cupcakes cost and they have a freaking TV show!  I also made cupcakes for my boys' party, if you start a day or so ahead of time you can space it out so that it's not stressful and you do it when you have time (i.e. during naps etc.)
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  • damn!  I want a cupcake now ....  :oP
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  • For their 1st b-day I spent a little more than I wanted for their cake. But 5 bucks a cupcake is crazy. Like PP said, try a supermarket or wholesale club they are a lot cheaper.  This year, I am going to do a sheet cake, and a smaller one b/c so many people never want cake by the time dessert rolls around!
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  • Check out Clineff's Confections on Etsy. She makes edible cupcake decorations. We used her for our oldest's 3rd birthday party and they looked great and shipped quickly. We bought the cupcakes from our local grocery store and just placed them on top.
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  • I've been doing a lot of cupcakes lately, and please invest yourself in a scoop. A 2 TBSP scoop is a good scoop. If you use this to put your cupcakes in the liners in the tin it will ensure that all of your cupcakes will come out even and the same size. :)
  • I bought the boys an expensive cupcake each for their 'smash' cake. Everyone else got Costco sheet cake. Worked out great.
  • I agree with others that you should make them yourself and then get an etsy decoration for the top. I ordered some Yo Gabba Gabba cupcake toppers that I just stuck in the top of the cupcakes - I am sure you could find some to go with your theme.

    You said you never made cupcakes but they are very easy to make - buy boxed cake mix and if you do not have cupcake pans then just buy the disposable foil ones from the grocery store.  Buy cupcake liners and fill them with the cake mix.  The cake box will tell you how long to cook them.  I made them the night before then iced them the day of the party. 

    And as you can see up close they are not professional but they looked festive and everybody gobbled them up!


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  • p.s. Our grocery store gives away free 1/4 sheet cake for first birthdays.  I got 2 free cakes for their first birthday! 

    I am in the PA/NJ area so I went to Acme (Albertson's owns them) but if you don't have one of them then I would ask at your local store. 

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