Cloth Diapering

Stash PsIP

Because I've been up for pretty much 24 hours and I'm bored... 

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Pockets- Back Row: BG's 3.0 aios and BG 4.0 OS; Front Row: Tots Bots, RaR, and Kawaii's

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Fitteds-(Left to right) Some she who must not be named fitteds, GM's, Mutt, SBD's,Green Sprout,ODC. And on the end is the new Sticky Peas Hedgies (love it so far)

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Thirsties covers, DD's, BB's, CPB (sp.?) and SBD AI2's.

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And my little bit of wool...including new Cranky shorties from His1&only which I am so in love with. 

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Re: Stash PsIP

  • Okay why does Photobucket hate me?!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I love seeing pics of other peoples huge makes me feel kinda normal again and not the freak with 100s of diapersYeslol
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  • ooh I love those monster shorties.  I so want another 1&only woolies but I NEED to cool down my spending.
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