
DSNG help...I feel dumb. PIP

Okay, so I've watched this video a bunch of times and she makes it look so simple, but then when I actually tried it, it seems like there isn't enough length in the DSNG to accommodate both seats!

I get the first one in perfectly, but when I stick the 2nd one up and underneath the 1st one, it pushes the 1st one upwards and off the black support bar. Its like I need a few more inches!

I have them both in, but is it supposed to look like this?


 This is in-between both carseats...

The left side is the front of the DSNG, and the right side is the one closest to me when I'm pushing it (its facing left). Look how the rear carseat doesn't seem to be resting on the black support bar once the front carseat (left) pushes it upwards...


 And this is what it looks like at the front of the DSNG when I get both of them pushed it supposed to look like this? Again, not really resting on the black support bar?


Re: DSNG help...I feel dumb. PIP

  • I am so glad you posted this question! I am having the same trouble. I can't wait to hear the responses.
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  • If you look up the owner's manual it'll show you the bar placement for each of the infant carseat brands. I had to do that for ours because the first time we used it our carseats got stuck and we could not get them off!

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  • I have a Graco and a Chicco and have the hardest time getting the Chicco to fit.  I'm pretty sure it's set up wrong somehow.  the Chicco just sits on top of the DSNG and I strap in the buckle really tight.

    The Graco snaps in well.  

    DH set up the bars according to the manual, but I still can't make it work right. 


  • Ours look exactly like yours. it doesn't feel too secure, but until the baby in back grows longer legs, it works okay.
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  • Are you sure that the bar is in the right place and configuration for your brand of car seats? The first time we used our DSNG the middle bar was not placed correctly and I remember feeling like the car seats were not clicked in securely. Once we put the bar in correctly it made a lot more sense. FWIW we have two Graco seats and while the car seat in the back is close to the car seat in the front it does not look like your picture (the back car seat is more tucked under the front car seat). Your car seats might not be Graco though. I would get out the DSNG manual and really make sure it is correct for your car seats. Hope this helps!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Here's what I do. I actually put the rear seat in first, and then put the front one in. The thing is, you have to push the front one in harder than you think. The first couple of times it seems kinda strange, but once you get it in and get the hang of it, it works great. You just have to put the front seat in at an angle and then straighten it up. But again, really push it so that you can get it to rest on the bar. Practice a few times. It really works better this way, for me anyway.

    Here's some pics.




    Also, if your babies are far apart in weight, it drives much easier with the lighter baby in the back.

    I hope that helps. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • Thank you for the pics, Josie!! I guess I did have it right, just thought it looked weird not being fully on the black support bar. As long as they are in there tight and secure I guess it doesn't really matter!
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