Babies: 0 - 3 Months

BFing and pumping

i'm having a hard time fitting in pumping during my day.  any suggestions? i need to build up my milk freezer reserves b4 i return to work.

Re: BFing and pumping

  • Pump right after your baby eats.

    I built my freezer stash by getting up at night to pump after Adam dropped feedings. My supply was best at night. It sucked getting up, but I'm grateful for the milk in my freezer.

  • I hate pumping and I forget to do it during the day.  I want to start to stock pile my supply for work too.  We have a deep freeze in the garage. 
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  • I agree with pp, do it right after a feeding.  I also pumped in the middle of the night for the first month.  Another thing I do sometimes is pump on the side she doesn't eat.
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