Do you just have one set of God parents for both twins, or does each have its own set of God parents??
Also, how old were your multiples when you got them baptized?
I was thinking of doing it sometime this summer. I only lived up here for about a month before I got pregnant, and with all of the craziness I have not found an ELCA Lutheran church up here yet. I don't want to go to a money sucking big chruch.... I will probably do the baptism down home, but I would like to raise my children to go to church, so I am hoping I find one soon. Plus, having that as a support system would be nice!
Re: Baptism/God parents ??
We are stuck on this too.... well, have been stuck on it for awhile. My girls are a year old and still haven't been baptized. I've been putting it off because the godparent debate gets heated between hubby and I (I want people of the same faith, he wants aunts and uncles). So, while I don't have any good advice as far as choosing godparents goes, I do strongly advise to get it done soon! Now I have all this anxiety about baptizing one year olds and people wondering why I put it off. I also have scheduled a meeting, one-on-one with my priest for guidance, even if that means taking my husband's suggestions into consideration.
My boys have 1 set of Godparents, because they were the only 2 people that are close to us that are practicing catholics. We both had our bestfriends as them.
We got them baptized when the were 2 months and 1 week old.
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.