I haven't been back to the ob/gyn since my twins came up on the ultrasound at the imaging center (appointment in a week and a half), but I'm just wondering, do the usually push for twins to come early? Is a c-section usually the way it goes? I have high blood pressure (not pre-e (yet)) so I was sort of thinking they would do one to avoid a spike during labor.
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Re: Twins and early delivery
My Dr told me last week that he won't let me go past 37 weeks if everything is going well. (Although I had a friend who's twin girls are now 10 yrs old and her dr let her go 40 wks.)
I've never had issues with blood pressure or pre-e. I did have fast labors with my first two pg's and I live an hour from the hospital. But he said it was pretty much how he handles all multiples unless there is some specific reason that they need to wait a little longer.
I asked him about delivery options and I want a V and he said as long as they are in the right position and not in distress he has no issues with that. I'd rather avoid a c/s if the conditions are right because I have other children at home to take care of and I recovered quickly from my first two v deliveries.
I know my doc does C-Sections between 37-38 weeks. If you want a vaginal they will let you go to 39 if you haven't gone into labor on your own yet. That's all assuming no blood pressure issues, though. If you have any pre-e or other problems he nixes a vaginal delivery and will do a c-sec earlier depending on how bad it gets. All docs are different, though. There are only 2/8 in my practice that will let me attempt vaginal with triplets even if I wanted to, so if I go into labor and neither of them are there, it will be tough to talk the others into it.
SOOO much can change during a multiples pregnancy, though. No matter what plan you make right now it can change 20 times between now and 30 weeks from now. We have to stay flexible (a lot easier to say than do!)
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
I see a perinatologist (high risk OB). I also have high BP. My BP without meds is 210/100 about. My doctor said I wouldn't go beyond 36 weeks. He said it's 50/50 chance with C-Section vs. vaginal. High BP does put you at a higher risk for Pre-E but doesn't mean you will have it. I also have diabetes so that might add to his conclusion of a 36 week delivery. You really should see a high risk OB. I'm not saying a non-high risk OB would be bad but they just don't have the same experience and knowledge. Atleast do a consult with one and get their advice. I picked my doctor based on a doctors referral and because he delivered the first set of live octuplets, so I figured what the heck.
Best wishes!!
I don't have experience with high BP, so I'm afraid I can't comment on that.
My MFM has said that I won't go past 38 weeks - if I don't go into labor by then they'll induce. I have the option for a scheduled C-section or to attempt V if baby A is head down and bigger. Both babies have been head down for some time now, so hopefully I can do the V.
I agree with PP, it's important to be flexible. Things can change quickly with any pregnancy. Good luck!
My ob said to expect them anywhere from 36-38 weeks. My ob pushed for a vaginal delivery if A is head down. I ended up delivering at 34 weeks via c-section due to pre-e.