I developed late stage pre-e, further complicated by nasty HELLPS Syndrome 4 years ago with my first son.
I am working towards a VBAC & hoping & praying that I don't get sick again. I am just curious to see if anyone else has had either of these (or both like me) & needed a CS, if you are hoping to VBAC or if you have already. I would love to hear from you, if you are doing anything different in your pregnancy, what your doc/midwife recommends etc.
Re: Anyone have a CS due to pre-eclampsia/HELLPS?
I had HELLP w/ DS and I hope for a vbac with baby #2 but I'm not pregnant yet and I haven't talked to my ob about any of it. I just plan on being really healthy for my next pregnancy, making sure I keep up with exercise and eating well. But beyond that, I don't know of any magical way to guarantee I don't get it again.
There is a fellow bumpie (sn rach03k) who had a vbac with her 2nd after having HELLP with her first. She's my hero!