Anyone have a CS due to pre-eclampsia/HELLPS?

I developed late stage pre-e, further complicated by nasty HELLPS Syndrome 4 years ago with my first son.

I am working towards a VBAC & hoping & praying that I don't get sick again.  I am just curious to see if anyone else has had either of these (or both like me) & needed a CS, if you are hoping to VBAC or if you have already.  I would love to hear from you, if you are doing anything different in your pregnancy, what your doc/midwife recommends etc.

Re: Anyone have a CS due to pre-eclampsia/HELLPS?

  • I had HELLP w/ DS and I hope for a vbac with baby #2 but I'm not pregnant yet and I haven't talked to my ob about any of it. I just plan on being really healthy for my next pregnancy, making sure I keep up with exercise and eating well. But beyond that, I don't know of any magical way to guarantee I don't get it again.

    There is a fellow bumpie (sn rach03k) who had a vbac with her 2nd after having HELLP with her first. She's my hero! :)  

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  • I had a CS due to pre-e and dd being breech. I'm hoping for VBAC this time and so far so good. I've just really been watching what I eat (I also got GD this time) and that's about it. I'll be 35wks tomorrow and my BP has been fantastic, no swelling, and I've only gained 9lbs so far. Good luck to you! 
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