Cloth Diapering

I need an answer FAST!

Okay, my WCW wool soakers arrived today and we are about to put DS to bed.  I was going to use with a Thirsties Duo this all he needs to wear?  Do I need to add an extra layer or anything?  He is not a super heavy wetter or anything.  I normally just use a BG Stay dry pocket with a knickernappies superdo.  HELP, he is getting for bed as I type.

**Landon Keith 6/03/10 6lbs. 9oz. 19 inches**

"When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can't find my way home anymore, that's when I......I look at you" Miley Cyrus

Landon 121Landon 6-9 081

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Re: I need an answer FAST!

  • I've never used a Thirsties fitted but I think you can add something to the little pocket.  I would just to be sure- maybe an infant insert or prefold?
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  • Yes all you need over a fitted is the wool soaker. It comes lightly lanolized so it should be good to go. I usually do a full wet lanolizing if I'm going to use it overnight - but I think I used a WCW once out of the package and it held up fine.

    Like PP said you can add an extra doubler if you think your LO needs it. I've never used a thirsties duo fitted so I don't know how absorbent they are.

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  • Thanks!  I'm adding a thirsties hemp insert in the pocket!


    **Landon Keith 6/03/10 6lbs. 9oz. 19 inches**

    "When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can't find my way home anymore, that's when I......I look at you" Miley Cyrus

    Landon 121Landon 6-9 081

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
  • imagelpickels:

    Thanks!  I'm adding a thirsties hemp insert in the pocket!


    I'm a little late to the game but that's exactly what I would recommend.

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