LOs will be 21 mos apart.
Initially I planned on breaking LO#1 of his pacifier at 6 mos..........12mos...... yea still has it at 16mos. He's a terrible sleeper and my "excuse" was at 12 mos I was so tired from being in the 1st tri I couldnt even think about nights of waking up to do the "paci-free-push"
WWYD: wait until LO is 2 y/o and DC#2 is about 3 mos to get rid of the paci?
Do it sooner than later? I'm afraid if LO#2 comes DS will take that LO's paci if he doesn't have his own since his weaning of it will be so fresh (perhaps that baby won't even take one)
Also- if I do decide to wait to wean did LO#1 have a different type of paci from LO#2?
Re: 2U2- Pacifier
Haha, I did the same deal with the paci weaning. I went from saying I wouldn't give him one at all to weaning at six months... 12 months... 18 months... and he definitely still uses it (although not in public).
Mine are 18 months apart and I was worried that DS would try to take DD's if we were trying to wean him off of it but then I decided anytime near her birth wouldn't be a good time to take it away since he'll already be adjusting to a major change (DD). So... I'm waiting for the rest of his teeth to come in and then we'll start the process. I think it helps him when he's teething anyway.
So far... DD rejects a paci. I've tried Soothies and Avent and she forces them both out of her mouth. I'm kind of glad since obviously DS is still hooked on his and I'd rather avoid having to figure out how to wean another one from the damn paci, lol.
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
Both of mine still have pacis. I am not sure when we are going to take them away...I am thinking this summer, but not sure yet. I may just take everyone's away at the same time.
We used Avent pacis for both kids. We had the clear ones with some designs on them for DS and the colored ones for DD. DS knows which are his, and only uses those. He never really tried to steal DD's even at the beginning.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
My pedi told me to get rid of it SOONER than later since I was pregnant b/c she said that she would regress once the new baby comes.. she told me that she would forget about it in a day or two.. I didn't believe her , but she was right.. she did forget about it... !! It was SO MUCH EASIER than I expected... I, like you, dreaded it.. and put it off b/c I THOUGHT it would be torture....and I was pregnant again and didn't want to deal with it.
My DD was really just using it for naps and bedtime..and major meltdowns... and in February (when she was 15 months old).. we got rid of it COLD TURKEY.. it was my week off, so I knew I could be around her to comfort her if she needed it... she didn't nap during the day for a few days, which was hard.. but since she hadn't napped.. she was so tired at night.. she slept FINE without it at night!!! Then I got the light blocking curtains for her room and she started napping during the day fine without it.. in a pitch black room. I'm SO GLAD I did it...
As for taking the baby's paci... she's a babysitter with a few other kids with pacis.. and she has not once grabbed them to put them in her mouth... so I think when this new baby comes.. she won't even think about putting them in her mouth.
DD1 still uses her paci for nights and naps. She is 19 months old. DD2 - who is 7 months - doesn't use a paci at all! We did try to introduce it, but we waited too long (about 6 weeks) and she wasn't interested.
My goal is to get DD1 off the paci by the time she is 2. I am not in a rush since she only uses the paci when she's in the crib. One transition at a time!
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We didnt wean beforehand. Luckily #2 never took to a paci.
I'd try to wean both at the same time if you can. Also, if you could try to not completely wean, but cut paci time until naptime/bedtime for your oldest only that might help.
DD1 is 27 months and she still has her paci. It was not my intention to let her keep it that long, but I have been slowly weaning her off of it. Now she only gets it at night.
DD2 actually never wanted a paci, so I didn't push it with her. I did have different paci colors for each girl and DD1 still refers to those as DD2's pacifiers, even though she never uses them.
Anyway, I am just letting it happen naturally and am trying not to stress too much, which is way different than I started off.
DD1 is down to binky only at night over the last month or so and never tries to steal bink from her cousins or other kids at daycare. I think part of this is that she is very particular about the bink she uses but it really has not been an issue for her at all. I am expecting when DS comes, she won't have a problem fingers crossed. Oh and DD is 16 months too.
On another note, I know some people say they have an issue with limiting the bink to night-time. After one afternoon of bink withdrawl she never asks for it during the day anymore.
DD was 17 months when DS was born, we did not get rid of the paci. While I was home on maternity leave, I got her to use it only for naps and bedtime. I had plans to get rid of it completely (especially since #2 isn't into the paci at all) but the last 4 months, she has been a teething mess with the canines and 2 year molars. So, my new goal is her 2nd birthday.
ETA: In the last month, we have always put her to bed without the paci and there have been about 10 night she has fallen asleep without it and slept until 4am when she woke up and cried for her paci. That gives me hope!
Good question! My DD will be 20-21 months (we think) when DC2 is born. She is 14 months old now and teething something fierce, plus she's adjusting to me being home all day now (okay, we are both adjusting to it) and I admit to giving in & giving it to her more than I ever planned to (or like to admit to). Typically she only has it for naps & bed, and wakes up at night often but goes back to sleep if she finds it/is given the pacifier.
I'm hoping she will be done w/the major teething before baby comes so we can wean her off well before, and also hope not to give baby a pacifier (hoping I will be able to nurse this time, wondering if breastfed babies take a paci more or less than bottle fed babies?)