We have a TON of clothes, baby gear and some other stuff we don't use that I would like to get rid of and it would be great to get some extra cash for the girls b-day party and vacation over the summer...but I'm wondering how much traffic will get. Anyone who's had success, did you advertise on craiglist, paper, just signs?
Am I better of just posting on craigslist? I don't feel like dealing with Ebay fees and shipping.
Re: Yard Sale success?
Are you in an area where you get a lot of good traffic for a yard sale? That's always been my biggest determining factor as to whether I'd do one or not.
If you are going to do it, I'd definitely advertise in the local papers, put up some signs, and also in Craigslist in the baby section post that you have a lot of baby stuff for sale at the yardsale.
I like Craigslist, but I hate trying to sell one item at a time, so at least this way you could get rid of the bulk of it first maybe?
We held a 1-day yard sale last year and made about $300 selling odds and ends (no big sale items). We advertised on Craigslist a few days in advance and made really nice signs to post in the neighborhood. We used Vistaprint to make yard signs that we can use again b/c we want to do it every spring to clean out our house.
(Of course, our fridge also broke that same day and the repair cost $303, so all that money was spent before the sale was even over.)
We have had a couple of yard sales and I think the key is to put out big easy to read signs (maybe even with balloons) out at major intersections and throughout your neighborhood. Also advertise on CL or even in the local paper. Does your neighborhood do a neighborhood wide garage sale?
Another good thing is to price things right. I hate when I go to garage sales and people are asking ridiculous prices. We actually went garage sale-ing this morning and found some great deals, but also saw some ridiculous things like $250 for a very used, 6 year old maclaren double stroller. I get that it's maclaren and stuff, but $250 and it's 6 yrs old??!!
Good luck! Last year we made about $350! And that was without even selling any baby stuff!
The fridge breaking sounds like something that would totally happen to us!
This would totally happen to us! Thanks for the advice, girls!
we had a yard sale today and made $450! And that was with dirt cheap prices (like $5 for the Jumperoo, $2 for exersaucers, etc). I had a TON of baby boy clothes- i priced them at $1 a piece and made deals with people buying a lot. I still have a ton of clothes left over... and didn't put out any twin matching stuff either (saving that for the MoM sale coming up in June) .
our house is on a fairly busy road- so we just put up a couple signs and an add in CL (very detailed- i listed a lot of the specific stuff we had in case anyone was looking for certain things).
I didn't prepare for it well at all - nothing was priced, etc... and we still did awesome! I'm quite happy - it was a beautiful day, too - so I was happy to be outside all day in the driveway