Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How do I stop being a Human pacifier?

At night the only way I can get Joey to sleep is in my bed up next to me with a boob in his mouth. I am going Crazy!!! If I am asleep I don't mind it but I go crazy when I am laying in bed wanting to sleep and being tugged on. I have tried pacifiers and they are not working. Any advice would be lovely. 

 As a side note I can not seem to get him to sleep in his bassinet any suggestions for that.

 Joey is almost 5 weeks old.




Re: How do I stop being a Human pacifier?

  • Have you tried letting him suck on your finger?
  • I went through this when DD was about that age.  I just let her use me for comfort.  It lasted about 2 weeks and then she was over it.  Sorry I don't have any advice for you!
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  • Your baby is still very young.  This won't last forever and it's way to early to try to get them to sleep on their own.
  • have you read happiest baby on the block?  Colin would use me as a Paci until we started swaddling him.  Now he falls asleep swaddled everytime.  Sometimes he will take a pacifier, but spits it out once he falls asleep. 

    As far as the bassinet goes, Colin won't sleep in his either. Only the swing now.  I have decided to let him sleep in the swing until he is about 2-3 months old.  according to the book, most babies are sick of the swing by then anyway.


  • The only way DD will fall asleep now is if we put some static on the TV loudly by her bassinet. Swaddled, with the paci - she falls asleep every time! good luck!
    DD 4yo DS 1yo
  • A real binky might be your answer. DS has had a binky from the begining and I haven't had a problem.

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