Maybe this is completely normal but if not can I get some tips or words of wisdom please!
The girls won't sleep for more then 30 minutes at a time during the night. They sleep most of the day only up for an hour or so here and there so I know we should try to keep them up more during the day but easier said then done. When we first came home from the hospital they had several good nights where they were up to eat and then back down to sleep for 3 hours. The last several nights we are lucky to get a full hour out of them until morning-ish like 7 or 8 they'll fall asleep for longer. We are doing formula since breastfeeding has been a huge FAIL (another story) and using playtex advanced bottles to prevent gas as well as gas drops with feedings. And they are also on opposite schedules even tho we feed both at the same seems like when we get one down the other wakes. we've tried both bassinet and cribs but doesnt seem to matter where they sleep they just want to be held
Is this normal since they are still so new and have days/nights mixed up? or is there something i should be/can be doing to help them sleep better? And if this is the norm when can we expect them to sleep better at night?
Re: Newborn night time help
At that age, sleep begets sleep so it wouldn't help to keep them up during the day. I think the best thing you can do is feed every three hours, and make sure they see the sun and hear some noise during the day, while nighttime is dark and quiet.
Do you suspect reflux at all? Do they arch their backs or cry after feedings? If they want to be upright after they are fed, then I would ask your pedi about reflux. It's always good to rule that out.