For three car seats? We need to buy a new vehicle this week or next. We were already planning to since #3 is due in November but given that I was in a car accident last week we need to move on it pronto. The husband thinks we need a van and I'm insistent that an SUV with a third row would work. What do you have/recommend?
Re: 3 car seats/ auto options?
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
If you are replacing car seats because of your accident, the Sunshine Kids Radians are made to fit 3 across. We just replaced our Snugrides with the Radians and we actually have more room in the back seat than we did before.
I love my Pilot. I know a minivan would be more practical but I'm a "form over function" kind of girl. I wore my 4 inch stilettos until the very end of my pregnancy
The only issue I can see with an SUV like mine with bench seating on the second row and three car seats is it completely blocks your access to your 3rd row. Something like a Tahoe with captain's chairs in the center row may be more flexible for you.
I have a MoM friend with a Tahoe for her 1 + twins. She has her twins in the captains chairs, and her older child rides in third row in a single seat. She has the other seat removed for cargo. I think it works well for them.
This! Except we have a different stroller combo.
I have a mercedes GL450 SUV. The babies are in the middle and Emerson is in the third row. We have the seat beside Emerson down to slide the stroller into.
I'm not a van gal either. Em crawls through the back and can latch and unlatch her seatbelt at this point. I always check it prior to leaving and she hasn't undone it while we are moving-yet.
It's not ideal but, I made it work. : )
Ditto this...
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
We looked at the cross-overs (some with captian's chairs) and SUVs.
I *think* we have settled on the Forx Flex. It's low to the ground and easy to get into (Oh, BTW a minivan is off the table for DH... he just won't do it! LOL!) and it has a third row that I fit in just fine.
1/2 of the 3rd row will fold down to have DD get in or she can go through the 2nd row. She still can't buckle herself, so I have to be able to reach her and with the Flex it was eazy to reach her from the 2nd row.