My DD was supposed to have a field trip today to the zoo (it was postponed this morning due to the weather). She was soo excited last night and was having an extra hard time falling asleep. At around 8 or so, I thought she had fallen asleep. I was in my room across the hall reading and getting ready for bed. At around 9:30, I heard some noise coming from her room but she moves around at night so didn't think much of it until a few mins later when I heard her get out of bed and turn her light on. She then peeks out of her door and tells me she is ready for school - she was totally dressed and ready to go!! Needless to say, she was not a happy camper when I told her it was still nighttime and to put her PJ's back on - she refused and said she would sleep naked - which she did! When I was telling my DH about this (he was upstairs working and missed the whole thing) I forgot to tell him about the no PJ's. He was the one who woke her up this morning and he was a little shocked to find her totally naked!!!!
Jenni Mom to
DD#1 - 6-16-06
DD#2 - 3-13-08
Re: Cute Story