
Becoming a bit more worried about dd.

I've had some nagging concerns about dd since she was a few months old. I've mentioned them to our pediatrician- she's ultra chill and laid back, didn't really seem concerned about dd at all. I'm not overly concerned, but there's  just this persistent feeling I can't shake. We haven't seen the pediatrician since dd's 6 month check-up so I just called and schedules her an appt for Friday.

Regardless of what the pediatrican says though I think I'm going to try to schedule an EI evaluation. I'm pretty relaxed with most things baby/development related and I don't over react about this kind of stuff in general, but my gut is telling me to listen to my instincts.

Re: Becoming a bit more worried about dd.

  • What are your concerns?

    Trust your gut!

  • Why - what's wrong with her?  Or what do you think is wrong with her I mean?
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  • What is it that's concerning you?
  • You should always listen to your instincts..  It's better to have her evaluated and find out that everything is fine than to not and wish that you had.  Good luck!
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • In what way do you think she may have a delay??
  • I can never hurt to get it checked out by an expert.  Peds are great and all, but sometimes you need to push to see a specialist.
  • Trust me when I tell you to listen to your mommy gut. It has helped my baby temendously since birth. With reflux, the Drs told me he's a happy spitter, but I knew there was something more and then he started pooping blood. Now he is 22 months old, doesn't talk, hardly ever eats a thing, and just seems delayed in some areas. But several people were and still are telling me he's normal, he'll talk soon, and he's just a picky eater. I went with my gut and called EI with my concerns and found out that him not talking is directly related to him not eating. So he has to learn to eat in order to have the ability to talk. And the reason why he doesn't eat may be b/c of the pain with reflux, which we thought he had outgrown. Our first visit is today and at this point, I don't care what other people think and say b/c he is my child and I will do what I think is right for him, even if others think I'm over reacting. Go with your gut :)
    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
    And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
    FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well, an EI eval will either calm your fears or will catch a problem early.  Either way I think that's worth it!  Hope everything works out!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Good.  I've been wondering if you were still kinda worried about her.  Get a 2nd opinion with a diff pede if you need to, even if it's just for sanity's sake.  Either way, you'll know and can move on, or do something about it. 
  • She can't roll over yet. When on her stomach she can lift up her head, but cannot use her arms to push up at all. She just learned to sit, but is nowhere near being able to get into a sitting position on her own. Cannot support her body on her hands and knees. She can't pull up on anything. Overall, in general, it just seems like she doesn't have any strength at all in her arms.

    She has great head control and her legs seem strong, but it really seems like she just doesn't use her arms very much when it comes to gross motor skills.

    She's 8 months old. When not being held or played with she spends most her waking time sitting on the couch with a couple of baby toys. I don't even worry about her falling off the couch and getting hurt because she's never even tried to move. Honestly, she seems to be pretty much on par with most 3-4 month olds that I see as far as gross motor skills.

  • I agree to trust your gut! 
  • It can never hurt to get her checked out.  Sometimes I think parenting is all about trusting our instincts.  Good luck with the appointment.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • ditto makinroom4baby: go with you motherly instincts and have her checked, gl!
  • Just wanted to chime in with my experience... Sylvie exhibited almost the exact same patterns you described in your DD... at her 6 month check-up, my pedi agreed that an EI was appropriate, and she qualified easily... diagnosed with low tone in her upper body (which is what I imagine is goingon with your DD)... IE has been absolutely fantastic for her. Like others said, either the evaluation will determine she needs some help and she'll get it, or they'll tell you everything's on track. It's really a win-win.

    And if she does qualify for IE, JUMP on it... Sylvie's made amazing strides since starting it a few months ago!


    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
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