How often do you nurse your LO's?
My kids eat about every three hours. They can go 4-5 hours if they have a long nap, or 2.5 hours if it's closer to the end of the night (I'll feed them a bit early so they go down with full bellies).
I'm wondering if I'm still feeding them too frequently.
Right now they eat between 6-8 times a day, each time they nurse for about 10 minutes. When I pump (less efficient, I know) I get between 4 and 8 ounces per side in <10 minutes, so I'm guessing that's about what they take at each feed.
Every time I try to space out their feeds they lose their minds crying and then I have two screaming babies. So I've stuck to 3 hours because it seems to keep the peace and sanity. But with their reflux/spitting, I'm wondering if I'm overfeeding them.
Re: BF'ers that don't feed on demand
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I think you're doing great, the boys ate every 3 hours or so when awake and for about the same amount of time (roughly 10-15 minutes).
I don't have any advice with their reflux or sptting...sorry.
the nursery at the hospital had them on a 3 hour schedule so when we brought them home we just stuck to that. For the first 8 weeks I woke them up to eat every three hours. I think by doing so I just set their belly clocks?
Don't get me wrong, there are times that they are losing their minds at 2 hours and 25 minutes and I'll feed them. But for the most part they eat between 2 hours 45 min and 3 hours 10 minutes after the last feed.
Same thing for us. It worked great b/c I had planned to do Babywise and did. Also sometimes I did feed earlier than 3 hours, but for the most part it was like clockwork.
That makes sense. They were every 3 hours while we were at the hospital, but it didn't last long.