Jake still wakes up wet at night. We try to limit his water/fluid intake but I don't think he's *ever* woke up dry. He can stay dry during the day for nap time with rare accidents. When should he be night trained? Is there any way we can train him? Does it work to let him wear underwear to bed and wake up wet, or will that just cause a lot of laundry for me?
and advice?
Re: night time PT
There is some good advice in this post
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
how the hell do you "dream pee" ??! I don't think I could get DS to get up out of bed, stand at the toliet, and pee, without waking up.
actually I thought L was fully night trained. I hope he doesn't wet the bed tonight
I told E if her diaper was dry 7 nights in a row that she could wear panties to bed. She can make it about 4 nights and then wakes up wet. The thing is, I know when she pees. About 5am I hear her cry out over the monitor. She doesn't wake up, she just pees. When sleeping in grandma's bed, grandma confirmed that she could smell pee then. So she's making it through most of the night, just not quite all the way.
Anyway, last week she was really going on and on about sleeping in panties so I let her sleep in them even though she hasn't made it 7 nights in a row. So she's been dry 3 out of 4 nights. If it's just one accident a week I guess we'll keep up with it.