I had my first tri screening today and pea-kay was right, my little stinkers are identical!
Their nuchal measurements were in the normal range, but baby A's measurements were above 2.5, and baby B was below 1.5. The doctor was telling me about how ID's with different nuchal measurements have a higher risk of developing TTTS, but since mine were still in the normal range my two are at "intermediate risk". So far I don't think they actually have it.
Heartrates were good, they only told me A's BPM.. & They said A had a 3 vessel cord, but they had trouble seeing what B's cord was. They were both looking pretty good from what I understand. I'm just going to have a lot of appointments to keep an eye on things.
NOW I wish the tech didn't give me such crappy pictures. There were so many cute ones she could have printed and I got two creepy face shots, one cute profile, then the tops of their heads lol.
Re: Put on watch for TTTS. (Not diagnosed, tho)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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I hope things continue to go ok for you. I was borderline but never diagnosed. My girls were early, but that was because of HELLP more than anything else. But they were born 12 oz apart and are currently 3 lbs apart. Did they tell you to drink the protein shakes? I know that's what my specialist recommended. I don't know if they worked, but I needed it anyway and it made me feel better.
Good luck!
We had a very similar thing happen at our NT appointment and have been watched closely for TTTS. I started drinking a lot of protein (whey protein) and a lot of water. Don't know if it really helped, but I am almost 25 weeks and we haven't had a single ultrasound that wasn't great.
If you get nervous, feel free to PM me, I know WAY too much about TTTS.
Thanks tons everyone. I know the doctor's job is to pretty much tell you every single thing that COULD go wrong. I hated it because I KNOW the risks, and everything was so bubbley and nice with the tech then once the doctor came in he almost made me cry lol.
You guys are making me feel a lot better.
They didn't mention protein or anything, but they're (Peri office) going to get in contact with my OB so they're all on the same page. I see my OB Friday for my 12 week appointment, then the peri scheduled me in 3 weeks for a growth scan and consultation where he'll probably tell me everything else that might go wrong. At least I'll be able to see my little ones a ton.
This is exactly what happened to me as well. By the time I had my 19 week u/s, their fluid levels and growth discord were borderline TTTS. I agree with getting plenty of protein and drinking lots of water.
Don't worry, by the end you'll have a stack of u/s pictures a few inches high!