I have been researching cloth and thought I had decided what I wanted to try. I had settled on fitteds (kissaluvs) and covers (wasn't sure yet). I was searching for a great deal and in the mean time I found a mix of things on CL for a steal. I bought 2 nb covers, 3 prefolds, 2 OS covers, and a fuzzibunz AIO OS all for $15. But now that I have seen the prefolds and the fuzzibunz I have been flip flopping so much that I haven't bought anything else.
I feel like I am back at the beginning and I'm behind the curve to say the least since LO is due in 8 days. I have been pointed to diaperswappers.com (super overwhelming) and a few other places but they just add to my confusion and anxiety. I guess I am looking for some personal advice, experience, preference, anything to help me sort this all out.
I have decided that whatever I do get I'll use rockin green, but you have to have diapers to wash before you need detergent. Also, rec's for a wet bag would be appreciated.
p.s. I have been reading the posts on this board and that just gives me a headache to make sense of all the short hand on the posts. I have also read the the faq and for some reason I am more lost every time I read something new.
Re: RP/XP from May 2011: UGH! Cloth diapers will be the death of me. Help?
It took me a while to catch on to the board's lingo. I started after LO was born! So I was further behind the game than you were.
You could try out what you want and then sell what you end up not liking. I started with prefolds and covers. Once she was big enough to start the OS stuff (my baby was 10-11 pounds when that worked) I love Flip diapers. Flips you can use prefolds under and inserts.
I don't have a wetbag yet.
But, lots of ladies here like Planetwise and that is what I will be buying eventually.
Sorry if I rambled ... hope I answered at least something.
What exactly are you flip-flopping on?? I have a mix, here's what my NB stash looks like:
32 newborn prefolds
8 Fitteds (Mostly Kissaluvs, 2 bum genius bamboos (these are discontinued) and a few WAHM type fitteds)
9 Pockets/AIOs (3 Bumgenius XSs and a Fuzzibunz XS, 4 Rumparooz lil joeys, and a Grovia AIO NB)
9 covers (total overboard on this one)
Then I've got all the accessories. For me, I want to try everything to see what we like, but I wanted mostly prefolds because they are workhorses and cheap. I have a few fitteds/aio/pockets for night time changes and out and about.
You can always order a few dozen NB prefolds and some covers to get you started, they should be here soon after baby arrives, if not before. Then you can prep them a few times and start on your CD adventure! Good luck, we will all be in this together!
Thanks for the great info so far ladies.
I am torn between prefolds an fitteds and then what to do about overnight. I like fitteds for the ease and convenience for DH but prefolds seem like they would work just as well but be a huge money savings.
I am a huge bargain shopper so I think price is really what's driving my confusion. I was skeptical with AIO's because I had only ever seen the Bum Genius but I really liked the fuzzibunz. I also thought about doing the trial from jillians drawers but I just can't decide. T
his is one of the things about me that drives DH crazy, I like to be thorough and make sure I make the best choice and get the best deal.
Thanks in advance again!
Well... I do 100% of the diaper changing. No matter what boyfriend said he was going to do before DD was born. LOL. Go with what works for you. Prefolds are SUPER easy! Especially if you get a snappi, or just end up trifolding and laying in. There are also a ton of videos on YouTube on how to use them. They are the cheapest option.
My startup stash for under $100 is on my blog. However, I had a 9 pound baby and skipped most NB things to go with small. I wasn't sure how long she would fit in them. Now, I realize I could have gotten a few NB things, even bought a NB fitted today.
Try not to worry about it too much!
I know it is overwhelming but you don't have to have your entire stash laid out and ready for the second you pop out your LO. IMO the easiest thing is to do prefolds or sposies for the first 2-4 weeks. During that time get yourself a trial and see what you think of everything. Don't worry, once LO is here and you actually start CDing you will quickly get a feel for what you like and don't like. Honestly, I think it's better not to have an entire stash purchased before LO arrives if you have never done it before. A lot of people think they are so sure about what they are going to use on their first baby and end up changing their mind once they actually start doing it.
Once you get comfortable with the basics you will start feeling like you want to branch out and try some of the many other brands
Take it slow and don't put to much pressure on yourself mama!
ETA: I have planetwise and bummis wetbags that have both held up very well since LO was born and we go out almost every day.
I found all the online research overwhelming. I am the kind of person who needs to see things IRL. The best thing I did was to go to a local baby shops Cloth Diaper Workshop. They showed you all the different kinds of diaper, how to put them on, talked about the advantages and disadvantages, use and care of them all. Maybe there is something like this near you. If not go into your local cloth diaper retailer (even if your not going to buy from them) and I am sure they will give you a run down. Our stash is a mixed of prefolds, all in one, and fitteds. What you like will change over time. I loved prefolds on a newborn, but now that Cole is bigger it is a wrestling match to get them on. Our fitteds were the favorite for a while, but I am quickly loving the pocket and AIO's. So keep in mind that just because you don't love a particular type of diaper now does mean it wont work better as LO grow and is a heavier wetter, or has more solid poops.