OMG. I'm trying to throw things away/give things to goodwill, and she finds a use and a love for everything we own, down to a receipt. I'm not kidding. This is out of control, and she's in her bedroom screaming her head off that I'm trying to get rid of anything. "But that's my favorite thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Broken toys we haven't seen in 3 years? Yep
Random pieces of paper? Yes
The tag to her new PJ's? Yes
Seriously, WTF do I do about this, because what I ended up doing is scream at her about it. That's certainly not the right way to handle it, but I'm at a loss.
Re: Bella is going to be on Hoarders in about 20 years
Give her limited space to keep those "treasures" and explain that whatever doesn't fit in the box (drawer, scrapbook, etc) gets thrown away.
Or just clean when she's not around.
Both my kids are like this to some extent.
Do it when she's not home.
Or make a deal with her that she can keep one or two things out of the pile.
Or convince her that you're making room for new stuff.
Emily is the same way. DH got pissed when I told her to stop hoarding crap in her room. She will keep anything! Even the wrappers to mcdonald's toys!
I go through her room and throw stuff away all the time by stuffing crap in my pockets. I then have to hide it in the bottom of the garbage can or in my can in the office because if she sees it, it's over.
Yes, Bella saw this envelope that was oh-so-special in the trash last night.
I usually do this when they're gone, but I got busy rearranging closets. Oh, well. I gave up and shoved it back where I found it and will deal with it later.
DS1 is like this too and has been for as long as I can remember. The most meaningless things have great value to him. The clothes tag made me laugh b/c it's exactly like him.
I do the same as the others said, I give him certain places he can keep his treasures (empty shoe boxes for example). But typically after a while they lose their value and I can throw them out (when he's not looking of course).
I talked to the pedi about it once and he said it was normal with some kids. He called them "collectors", and told me his own niece did the same thing, and one day carried around a random leaf for an entire day. On the one hand, I'm glad to know the pedi thinks it's normal, but to be perfectly honest, I have the same thoughts as you. To me, a child "collector" = adult hoarder.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks/fears this. I don't dwell on it, but it worries me. It also worries me that perhaps I'm missing something "bigger picture" here that would be harder for her to deal with down the road. I wish I knew the answer.
I got rid of a pink plastic guitar that played Hannah Montana-ish music about 5 months ago.
DS asked me for it yesterday.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I can honestly say this was not true for me. I was totally a child "collector" but I am NOT a hoarder! I remember keeping the most random sh * t. My mom was good and saved a lot of it. When I finally did a purge, as an adult, I could not figure out why the eff I'd hang onto the junk.
I'm sentimental for sure and have a harder time than DH parting with things, but I am far from a hoarder.