Baby Names

Another Amelia ?

I had posted a while ago about Amelia vs Emilia, and wanted opinions on the name itself.  DH LOVES this name, and I like it ok, I'm having a hard time finding any name I really love.  The spelling would definitely be Amelia. This is one of our 3 names we are taking to the hospital.

Amelia Jean (Jean is after my cousin who passed in November very suddenly, and Gene is a family name on DH's side)

Amelia Ruth (Ruth is my great aunt/surrogate grandmother)

I asked a different group and got a lot of meh's, and all they think of is Amelia Bedelia, which I think of that too although I don't think it's a bad thing.  Opinions?   And is this getting to be a popular name?

Re: Another Amelia ?

  • Yes I like Amelia/Emilia either way. I love Amelia Ruth especially with the family significance. When I hear the name I don't think of one person in particular, and I don't hear this particular name that often in my area. If you love it go for it.


       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • I like it. You will get the Amelia Bedilia, but that's okay. I know a few Amelia's and I like it a lot. 
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  • I think Amelia is cute... was a name I was thinking about but DH wasn't so on-board. I like Amelia Ruth over Jean, I think it's because I'm not found of the AJ initial referrence.
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  • Amelia Ruth is a very pretty name.  I know of no Amelias around me though, none go to DD's daycare so it is not a popular name for me.
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  • I have always loved the name Amelia, both of the MN are cute and have a good meaning, like said before, it could depend on whether you like the initials AJ or not. Me personally I like AJ
  • CTri17CTri17 member

    I don't know any Amelia's, I wouldn't use it but it is a nice name.

    I prefer Amelia Ruth

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  • I love Amelia and kind of like the Amelia Bedelia connection.  I think it would be fun to be a child and have a children's book with your name in it.
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  • Amelia is an absolutely lovely name. I had it on my "wish list". But, yes, it's quite popular (ranked 55 in '09).
  • #1 is almost 5 and named Emelia and I adore it.  She gave herself the nn Mia when she was about 3.  There's one other girl with the name Amelia in her preschool.

    It's becoming a trendy name, but never once has anyone referenced Amelia Bedelia.

  • I like Amelia, too, but worry about the popularity.  I only know of one little Amelia, but I'm afraid it's going to become more common in the next few years.  I've been thinking about Amelia Claire and Amelia Mae.

    Amelia was DH's grandmother & Mae is my grandmother's middle name.

    I wouldn't worry about the Amelia Bedelia reference.

  • apc1929apc1929 member
    Emelia Jean gets my vote..
  • Clerk9Clerk9 member

    I think it's a pretty name, & actually like it with both of your MN options.  But I've been hearing it online a LOT lately, so it does seem to be pretty popular (at least in certain circles, I guess!).

    GL with your decision, & I hope that you & DH are able to find something that you both love!  :) 

    ETA:  I suppose I should've said "seeing" it online instead of "hearing".  :) 

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  • Jinsy80Jinsy80 member
    I like Amelia...
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  • I LOVE the name Amelia but there are a ton of them in my area. I personally know know 5 little girls (3 and under) named Amelia and 2 more named Emilia.

    For me the popularity was a major turnoff but if you love it and do not mind, then I say best wishes and go for it. 

    TTC since July 2009 ^Rosemary^ May 7, 2010 Holding my rainbow, Beatrix, since August 21, 2012
  • I think of Amelia Earhart before Amelia Bedelia-- not a bad role model to name a gal after.  Except that whole mysterious disappearance part . . .
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