Cincinnati Babies

NT scan yesterday

We had our NT scan and genetic counseling yesterday... I was SO nervous going in... with my age & previous losses.... but it was AMAZING!!!! I drank a huge glass of OJ before I went in and the baby was super active. The ultra sound tech kept saying that it was a beautiful baby, everything looked perfect & she can't believe how cooperative it was. The fluid measured 1.6cm (anything below 3 is low risk) and the nasal bone was present.... whew!! The nurse said she'd call by the end of the week with the blood results & risk ratios. The tech was also questioning my due date, she said that it was measuring 6 days ahead (11/11/11). But she couldn't change it because we are positive of the conception date with the IUI.

Oh, and when I asked about the "angle of the dangle", the tech said "what are you thinking? BOY?", which is exactly what I thought that I saw too. It was sticking straight up! I know it's way to early to confirm, so we'll have to see in 4 weeks if that theory holds true. LOL

It all is starting to seem real to me now!!!! We're really having a baby!!!!!

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