3rd Trimester

OMG - Big Baby!

We had our ultrasound today - baby is in the 85th percentile for weight - weighing approx 6lbs 5oz already!  her femur length is also in the 90th percentile for length - Dh is 6'6" and I am 5'9" so we kinda knew the height thing would be there - but I am nervous about her size already..... anyone else with experience of baby weighing big but being normal weight at birth?
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Re: OMG - Big Baby!

  • 3rd tri u/s can be off by a lb or more. I wouldn't worry too much about the length though. GL. 

    Mrs. 5/03*DD 2/07*DS1 5/09*DS2 7/12
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  • Thank you! I needed just a few words of encouragement!
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  • DS's head was measuring 41w at my 38w u/s and I FREAKED OUT about that. He was fine, birth was fine, but he's consistently had a huge head. He's 2 and it's the size of my 4 y/o DD's!
    Mrs. 5/03*DD 2/07*DS1 5/09*DS2 7/12
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  • Lurking* My son was big throughout my pregnancy in the ultrasounds. I went on to deliver an 11lb 2oz baby boy, vaginally! Prob. not what you wanted to hear but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be

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  • My LO is measuring in the 85th percentile as well.
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  • At my 36 week appointment they estimated baby to be 8lbs, 5oz, in the 99th percentile for size and weight. (I have gained the standard 30 pounds, and am not overweight or a big person, neither is DH). 

    Our midwife said not to sweat it at all, because Ultrasounds are often off by 2 pounds. :) 

    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • at 32 weeks my baby measured 85% percentile too, at 5p 1o.  that would put him/her at about 8-9 pounds come birthday which isn't small by any means.  i think they say average for girls is 7.5 pounds and for boys is 8.5 pounds.  

    ds 37w u/s said he would be almost 9p and when he was born at 39w 5d he was 8p 2o.  try not to stress, your body will make a baby that you can handle like 99% of the time :) 

  • I am right on track with you at this point and my first baby was 11 pounds. We are expecting another big baby. Not to scare you either but I would just prepare. :)

    Baby number two! Coming soon! June 8th.
  • lisamoelisamoe member
    I just had a growth u/s and baby is aprox 3lb14oz at 30wks. 81st percentile. I'm kinda freaking out!! I was hoping to have 7lb or < for 1st baby. Right now if I went to term it will be at least 8 lbs? Uggg I feel your anxiety!  But I did hear u/s can vary in weight aproximations by 1-2lbs.

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  • My OB won't be measuring LO unless he's (belly bump) is measuring too small/big. Sooo I guess it'll be a surprise for me. DH is 6'3 but I'm 5'6 so it's really up in the air for us. GL!!
  • abell77abell77 member
    Those ultrasounds can be off.  I was told I would have "at least" an 8lb baby, and he was 6lb, 11oz.
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  • 85th percentile ain't nothing. My daughter is measuring in the 95th percentile!!!! At 31 weeks she was already estimated at 5 and a half pds. My dr. Says it'a genetics, and I'll be induced a week early. It is a concern.
    Jenny BabyName Ticker
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