Washington Babies

Poll: First 4 Years After High School...

Last weekend I got together with my college roommate and we reminisced about the good ol' days. Wishing that we could go back and live carefree with little responsibilities for a day. :)


1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?

2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?

3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?

4. What did you do in your spare time?

5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? 

6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? 

7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?

8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? 

9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?

10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?

11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?

12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? 

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Re: Poll: First 4 Years After High School...

  • imagekristalovesjared:


    1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4 year -- WSU Go Cougs!!

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Nope .. otherwise I would've never met my DH!

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Part time

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Studied, Worked out, went to parties, hung out with DH

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? 1-2 ...TOO much! haha

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? Also TOO much .. at least 2-4 hours per day

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Yep most of the time! She was/is my best friend from high school

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yeah .. DH and I started dating officially my sophomore year of college and met my freshman year

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? I can't think of one specifically .. I made so many good memories in Pullman.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Changing my major!! (I wanted to as a sophomore and my advisor advised against it ..I shouldn't have listened..)

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Probably not anything ...

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? For the most part! I was a very good student but still managed to have fun :) Although I want my kid(s) to pick a major or career they are more passionate about so they can be more successful!

  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? Central WA University2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? nope, best 4 years of my life (minus having Ella of course!).3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? part time job with the catering department at the school4. What did you do in your spare time? workout and drink/ party 5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? probably averaged 4 days a week throughout the 4 years and I don't even think I should admit how much i drank each time... let's just say there is no way I could do that ever again! I get hungover after 2 or 3 drinks now!6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? not much during the week... i'd save it for all day/night on Sunday.7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? yes, we are still BFF's... randomly selected to share a dorm room, thought we hated each other, ended up being BFF's and shared a room for 3 years, lived together for 4.8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? I made it 4 years with only having a 1 year on and off not serious at all boyfriend. Don't think I'd change it... I got to have all the fun I wanted and not worry about anyone else!9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? There are SO MANY, but my favorite is probably my 22nd bday. It was super hot, we floated the river (of course drinking was involved), went to the free BBQ with fireworks the school put on that night, had people over to our house, and went out.10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Always being happy and having so much fun everyday. Not that i don't now, there is just more stress and less sleep involved now!11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Probably not everything, but if they ask something i'll answer truthfully but vaguely if that's possible. :)12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? Overall yes, just no to the drinking so much part... I was lucky and never had anything bad happen to me, but it scares me to think about what could have happened. 
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  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4 year university

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Nope

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Full time

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Spare time?  What spare time?  I was working full time and carrying 18 credits a semester!!  I didn't take summer school, though, so during that time I did spend a fair amount of time at the beach & shopping.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? 2 - enough to be tipsy.  My real drinking days came after university.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? a LOT

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Yes - and at the time, not as much as I would have liked.  Now that we're older and wiser, we're friends and stay in touch.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yep.  A fiance even.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? There's no one single memory that stands out.  Lots of great little ones, though.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Being able to go out on a Saturday night, dance, drink and sleep in all I wanted.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? I won't offer it up, but I'm all about full(ish) disclosure.  I've already faced this challenge when talking to the skiddo about boys.  Without disclosing numbers or actual details, I did talk to her about the emotional consequences of being with the wrong person(s) for the wrong reason(s).

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I hope we're able to afford a 4 year for both M & W.  I think it offers an experience unlike one gets at a JC.  Skiddo went to a JC and while it was great on our pocket book, I feel like she missed out on some of the fun of those 4 years.  You're independent, but yet you have a meal plan so that if you're broke, you still have a roof over your head and something to eat.

  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? I started out working and started college when I was 23.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? That is tough. I'm sad I missed the college experience but at the same time I wouldn't have done nearly as well in college when I was 18. Not to mention I probably would have gone for a business degree instead of figuring out what I love to do.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? I worked 32 hours a week...so sort of part time (it felt like full time!)

    4. What did you do in your spare time? I was out with friends any spare moment I had. 24-28 were my "party" years, and somehow I still managed to graduate with a 4.0. LOL!

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Even though I loved being with friends and partying, I still wasn't a heavy/binge drinker. I was never a fan of being totally drunk and being hung over the next day. I hated losing a whole day to feeling like crap. I would usually just get a good buzz. I would say I mostly drank on Friday and Saturday nights.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? I honestly don't even know. It was A LOT. My program was extremely intense. So intense that the graduation percentage is pretty low for the program because so many drop out. It was the most stressful time in my life.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Nope, I lived on my own.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? I didn't have "boyfriends" at that time. I was so focused on school and friends there wasn't really time for a relationship. I did date a lot though.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Too many to pick just one, honestly. Lots of fun times!

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? I wish I could relive the feeling of being so carefree. All I cared about was school and being with my friends. I wasn't always thinking about, and planning for the future (except school of course), or worried about saving money, etc. It was all about having fun in the present.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Depends on what they are asking, and how old they are when they are asking. Stick out tongue

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I'm really not sure. I'm glad I waited till I really knew what I wanted to do. That said I think by the time my child hits college age having a college degree will be mandatory to get almost any job. IMO even AA degrees won't be enough. I would probably want him/her to go to college right away for that reason.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  Both - flunked out of Western after 5 quarters...didn't miss a beat and finished up my AA at Whatcom Community College - then went BACK to a four year at Southern Illinois...then BACK to a Community College at North Seattle CC (a looong story...)

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  Yes, I would have started at a CC then FINISHED at a four year

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Full time plus part time plus full school load 18+ credits

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  Somehow I still found time - I don't know how - but I worked on cars for fun.  My roommate and I would buy cars, fix them up mechanically and then trade them for another wreck.  I was also the one that everyone brought their cars to for repair - I LOVE working on cars (old ones - the new ones confuse me!!)

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? I never drank - maybe that's why I had time to work, play and go to school - who knows!

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? I don't remember studying a lot...but I fit it in here and there and pulled a 4.0.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  Yes, we got along really well.  (I lost track of him when I met my exDH and wasn't "allowed" to have friends)

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Only my exDH - near the end of my schooling

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?  Roommate and I would turn up the stereo and just dance around our house for extended periods of time!  It was SO carefree and we didn't care what we looked like or what people thought...I miss that feeling.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  I wish I had taken advantage of my first shot at college - going from big fish in high school to tiny fish at college sent me into the deepest depression of my life.  I wish I had asked for help.  My wake up was the letter from the University telling me I had flunked out.  Buh Bye.  *sigh*

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Yes - I'd rather they learn the lessons from MY mistakes and victories than suffer through them.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?   No - I'm encouraging my kids to choose either a community college or a small university.  My DD is making those choices now.  She's a junior in high school but will graduate 2 quarters shy of her AA so community college would be only the first 2 quarters before she has to make yet another college decision.  It's a tough thing to watch - I want her to make the choices with only some guidance from me vs. me making all the choices for her.

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  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? I started working full time.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? No, the path I chose to take is the right one for me. I wouldn't change a thing.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Hung out with friends, but I did work a lot and at the mall so my hours were all weird.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? I don't remember, I know I didn't drink that often.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? I lived with my parents until I was 20, but I got married at 20 and moved out with my husband.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? I've been with DH since I was 16. We were married at 20/23.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Well getting married is a pretty good memory, also bought a house as well.  I did a lot in the first 4 years out of HS, I may not have gone to college but am still accomplished in the "life" department!

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Nothing, I have zero regrets.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? I have nothing to hide from T, he will know everything about my life.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I will support just about any decision T makes with his life.  Obviously not becoming a drug dealer, killer, or rapist.  BUT I will not force him to go to college, or prevent him from going. I was lucky enough to be raised by parents that allowed me to decide my future, and I hope to be able to do the same.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  4 year, WSU

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  definitely not!

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?

    I had an almost full time job, around 30 hrs a week

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  a whole bunch of stuff and none of it productive =)

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  ohh..  um.. Probably 3 days a week on average, and in college only drinking to get drunk existed =P

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  not nearly as much time as I spent on drinking if that answers your question!

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  I had a few that I got along great with, and 2 bad eggs...

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  I had several (some at the same time) between freshman and Sophmore year, then I met dh and it was just him for the rest of Soph year, jr and sr year.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?  Sneaking around with dh for a few months before we told our friends we were dating.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  hmm, i think I know, but im not gonna say it here.  Lets just say it involved way too much alcohol.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Psh hecks no!

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?   Not the exact same decisions,  I would like them to go to college.  But in general I dont think its a good idea to get into a serious relationship at 19, I was lucky, but i think it generally doesnt work out that way.

    imageimageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers image . Ice Ice Binky Formerly FutureMrsLynch
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4 year university - Go COUGS!!2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? No way!  I loved my experience, and it is where I met DH.3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Yep, I worked to put myself through college.4. What did you do in your spare time? I didn't have a lot, but I hung out with friends, partied a little, just had fun.5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Hmmm, usually 3-4 days a week.  A LOT more drinking happened on the weekends.6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? A lot, but probably not enough still.  I can't even remember the number of hours..a couple per day though.7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Ha, yes.  I had several.  The first 2 were BSC! After that, I lived with DH and we had a third rooomate.  It worked well.8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Just one, and I married him.9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Not school related actually, but I went to Italy during my Junior year.  It was an amazing trip!10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? My trip to Italy.  It was such an incredible experience and I would love to do it again.11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Pretty much, I was a pretty good kid.12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? Yes.  I am proud of what I accomplished and how I got to where I am today.  I'd be happy if she did something along the same lines.
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  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4 year university. there was no other option in my family.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? nope.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? between part time and 3/4 time.  My parents would only pay for school if I worked to pay for clothes and utilities and food.

    4. What did you do in your spare time? hung out with my friends

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  thursday- saturday most weekends starting jr year.  a moderate amount. Only had one hangover in college, but it was a doozy!

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  40+ hours, including class time. It was my FT job.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Not with the people the university assigned my freshman year but the girls I lived with soph and jr year are still my besties. We'll be celebrating our 20 year Friendiversary in Kauai next year.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  I fell hard my first semester.  We broke up 2nd semester but stayed "freinds."  Not FWB (although that happened a few times), jsut "friends." Except there was more there and the next seven years of my life were wasted.  I dated others, but he was always there.  Once we cut off all contact, we were both able to move on.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? my job soph/jr year. going on "exchange" to Univ of Idaho my sr year.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? jr year parties at Julie's

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? sure

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?  I want him to go a better university and not get hung up on some girl.

  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  4-year college

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  Nope, but i may have gone to a different college.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?  I had two part-time jobs.

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  There wasn't much between two jobs and 17-18 cr/qtr.  Other activities: volunteering (tutoring, restoration work), hiking, movies, roommate time, cooking/baking

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  <1/wk and generally w/a degree of moderation

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  I didn't spend a ton of time studying, but i went to every class and did all the reading.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  I had several roommates; got along fine with all but one and she was crazy.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  Just dh.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?  There are a lot of good ones, but telling the stories just doesn't relay the fun of the moment... One weekend we all (my roommates, dh's roommates and us) took a long weekend to drive down to Seattle for dinner and such, all dressed up, goof around in the city, visit childhood haunts (a few of us grew up in the area) and then camp.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? The summer between high school and college was perfect; it'd do it again, just the same.  If i were to relive as in re-do, then i would have done college differently with more time allotted for fun.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Sure.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?  Yep.

    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4 year 2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? No3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Full time while doing a 12-15 regular semester, full & part time while doing the 3-5 unit summer semesters. 4. What did you do in your spare time? Worked5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Maybe 4 times a year.6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? Depends on the week. Maybe 4-10 hours/ week7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? N/A lived w/ parents8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Not until my last year9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Meeting my DH.10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Most of it.11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Yes, when they are a little older12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I would only hope to be so lucky. 
    Mama to Z - 5.5 years, G - 3.5 years, & M - 1.5 years.
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  I went to Community College - dropped out and got married

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  OH YES!  I did go to University and get my degree, and I divorced the guy with in a year - but that was SO DUMB to get married young.  I didn't even love him and when I look at pictures I'm embarassed as I don't even find him attractive!

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?  Worked full time til senior year then part time (but that is after 4 years from HS)

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  Loved Dance clubs

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Never - didn't drink til I had kids - seriously

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? Once in college I studied maybe 5 to 10 hours a week, not much actually

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  Had one when I was 21 and it was awful - after that I had a studio and always lived by mmyself

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? TONS AND TONS - too many to remember

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? I had a boyfriend who treated me like a queen, for my 21st birthday (since I didn't drink) he surprised me by taking me to disneyland ONLY for dinner and to watch the fireworks - it was all very romantic

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  Those whole 4 years were bad years in my life (except that ONE good boyfriend) it was a dark time in my life too, I wish I could not have met "that bad boyfriend"  he ruined me

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Sure

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? no - I hope to god they go away to college and love it - partying and all

    Easter 2011

    Largest selection of Halloween Costumes
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 2 year Commercial Photography program at the Art Institute of Seattle 2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Well.... I'm certainly not using my degree. And I really have no interest in using it anymore. But I made some life long friends and met my DH there. So, no!  3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? I worked part time at Steamer's for awhile. Then part time at the school.  4. What did you do in your spare time? Drugs. Nice, right? 5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  Probably 2 or 3 nights/wk. A lot. 6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  Quite a bit, actually. Probably 20 hours a week at least.  7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? My 1st room mate and I got along for awhile, then her lack of housekeeping skills really started bugging me. My 2nd roommate and I were fine, we just didn't really talk to each other.  8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  I had my HS boyfriend for one year, then finally dumped that loser for DH. 9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Falling into bed with DH Wink 10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Falling into bed with DH 11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Abso-freaking-lutely NOT! 12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? Oh hell no! 

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  I started out going away to a 4 yr college, for one week. :-) I went home b/c I missed my b/f way too much.  I went to community college for about 2 yrs and transferred to a local 4 yr college.  I went there for 2.5 yrs (plus lived in England for a while in the middle, thanks to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, not school-related).  Graduated college 5 yrs after HS.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  Not really.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?  Yes, I always worked after HS.  For a while, it was PT for both work and school.  Then school FT and work PT, and summers would be usually work FT, school PT.

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  I spent nearly every spare moment with my boyfriend.  And I hung with girl friends, too.  I wasn't much of a partier in those days.  I partied a lot in late HS and then again in my late 20's.  B/f and I played a lot of Nintendo during college days, ate a lot of pizza, watched a lot of movies, and had a whole lot of sex. :-)

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  Way less than once/week, during college.  Probably not even once/mo.  See above.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  Minimal amount of time necessary.  I've always been pretty lucky to get good grades without killing myself (except in math, which I will never understand).  I probably spent a couple hours/day, I guess.  College was a very long time ago, and it's hard to remember, to be honest.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  I lived on campus for 2 semesters and I did have roommates.  We really didn't get along.  I don't do well with roommates- never have.  And we were very different.  I switched to commuter and lived with my parents, 30 mins away.  But I spent many evenings and weekends at my b/f's parent's house, 10 mins away from campus.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  Uh, yes.  See every answer above.  Haha!  One steady guy that I was with from age 17-25 (plus 4 more fuzzy post-breakup years after that).

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? The time spent living in England was amazing!

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  I don't think I'd go back and relive any of it.  I wish I could still be having tons of amazing sex, like those days.  And I would love to go back to the UK some day.  But I don't miss being in school, though.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Um, for the most part.  I might down-play all the decisions I made for the sake of my relationship with my b/f.  Also, I never wanted to go to college.  I only went b/c my parents wanted me to and offered to pay (an offer they took back 10 yrs after I graduated and I'm still paying).  I would rather my kids want a degree b/c I know how important it is, even for entry-level jobs.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?   Sure, I would be ok with most of it.  At least I did finish school with good grades and I got to live in a foreign country for a bit, too!  I might be uncomfortable with all the time spent with a bf/gf, because I remember what I was up to, those days.  Might still be safer than partying for 4-5 yrs, I don't know.  :-)

    Photo by J Shelton Photography

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Married 10/5/08 | 2 yrs of TTC, tests, procedures & a m/c | IVF #2 =James!
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  4-year, UPS

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  I'd probably still go to a 4-year, but I probably would have chosen a different one.  As it is, I transferred to UW after 2 years.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?  No job freshman year.  Worked part time in a coffee shop sophomore year.  Then part time at a restaurant junior and senior year.

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  While at UPS I spent every weekend driving to visit my boyfriend.  Once at UW, I spent much of my free time drunk.  Stick out tongue

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much?  First two years - drunk once a week, maybe twice.  Last two years - at least 3 days a week.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  Just enough, I guess.  :)  Probably an hour or two per day.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  Freshman year - roomy in a dorm room, we got along really well.  Soph year - on campus house with frosh roomie, 4 other girls from our floor, and two guys.  Junior/Senior years - off campus house with some girlfriends from high school.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  Yup.  One BF senior year in HS to halfway through soph year.  Another BF right after that for about 4 months.  Then a break from BFs for a while.  Then one BF from about halfway through junior year until about a year after college.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?  I honestly don't know.  I had a lot of good times.  Though trips to Canada are sticking out in my mind.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  At this point, I'd just take a couple days/nights of being free and spontaneous without responsibility.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Someday.  I imagine I'll give them little bits and pieces over the years and then when they're adults they can hear everything if they want to.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school?  Some of them, sure.  I'm all for going to college after high school.  But I definitely wouldn't recommend wasting new found college freedom on driving back home to visit a douchy boyfriend every weekend.  :-/

  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4-year college. My first day of class was my 18th birthday.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Absolutely not.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? I worked full time at the campus newspaper (3 years) and yearbook (1 year), and I also worked part time in a department store in Idaho for one semester my freshman year, and at the campus daycare my senior year. And my coolest job was being the Pullman correspondent for the WSU football team for The Times my senior year.

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Date/break up with DH, flirt/glare at DH, work on winning a Pulitzer. Oh yeah, and hall government, a sorority, etc. I hadn't yet learned to relax.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Rarely. I had a boyfriend starting at age 19, so I never did the bar scene with my single girlfriends once we were 21 (and he was back in Western Washington). Besides, I covered football on Saturday nights my senior year, so I never could go out, anyway. 

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? A lot.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Freshman year, yes. We're still friends. Sophomore year, oh God no. She was a weirdo Jesus freak and we only lived together for a semester. Then one of my friends moved in and we are still friends. I saw her last week! Junior year, I lived with DH for a semester and then alone for a semester, and senior year, with a friend who I don't talk to anymore.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yes, on and of from freshman year, but seriously from sophomore year on.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Doing my internship at The Times, falling (and staying) in love with DH.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? I would relax more. The world doesn't end if you don't get 100 on a test.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Yes -- I won't lie to them.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I wouldn't be upset it they did. GO COUGS!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? I went to a 4 year college.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  Nope, loved my college experience.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? Nope, neither.  My parents didn't want work distracting from school.

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Studied..partied..partied..hung out with friends...had a lot of fun.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Like 3 or 4 maybe Embarrassed

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school?  Probably an hour or so a day, though more if there was a test or paper due. 

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along?  Yep, she was really sweet.  

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yep, on and off throughout the years.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Basketball games at McHale Big Smile

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? I miss college.  I wish I could do it all again!

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? The parts about studying. Stick out tongue

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? Yep, I never saw any other options other than a 4 year school.  I'm glad I did it.

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  • KNemoKNemo member

    1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? I went to community college for two years, a 4-year college for 2 years, and then I went to grad school for 2 years.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Nope. All the roads I took were the right ones. If I went to a 4-year right away, I wouldn't have met my best friends or my husband!

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? When I was going to undergrad, I worked as a nanny and a server. All jobs were very part-time. When I was going to graduate school, I was a full-time nanny.

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Drank, hung out, partied, offset my partying ways with a little (voluntary) community service, made out with boys, caused all-around mayhem.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Weds-Saturday early am and varying amounts... but more than the average bear!

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? I spent Sunday-Tuesday studying. All my classes were Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I was an Art Major, so I only needed to study for core and Art History.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? Yep. My roomie is still my very best and favorite friend in the whole wide world!

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? I had two that lasted a significant amount of time. That is all that I am going to say.

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Getting accepted to Gonzaga on an academic scholarship. Before that, having way too much fun at frat parties at UW.

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? The thing I miss is no responsibility and being able to just decide to go out at 11 without worrying about babysitters or that my booze money would be better spent paying buying groceries.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Yes. My parents were very honest with me. I will be very honest with my children when they are old enough to understand.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I think that all you can do is arm your children with knowledge and hope they make the right decisions. I didn't make any dangerous decisions, I wasn't experiemental, so I cannot say that I absolutely would not want them to follow in my footsteps. But I wouldn't mind if they drank less than I did... not one little bit! 

    The only Easter Bunny I can get behind.

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    Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12

  • imageMrsEditorJax:

    1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? 4-year college. My first day of class was my 18th birthday.

    Ah, the joys of a late August birthday.  I feel your pain as my birthday was often right at the start of school, too.  In IL, school starts in late August and runs through the first week of June.
    Photo by J Shelton Photography

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Married 10/5/08 | 2 yrs of TTC, tests, procedures & a m/c | IVF #2 =James!
  • I must preface this by saying that DH and I got married when I was 19 and he was 22... so my answers will be a little different.

    1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? I went to UW for all four years.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? Nope.  Met my best friend, looooooved being in Seattle, majored in something I loved...

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? I worked at least 20 hours a week at the business library.  I also had other random jobs: working at Anthroplogie in the village, working at Starbucks in Woodinville.

    4. What did you do in your spare time? Besides working and studying? Lol.  Dinners and happy hour with girlfriends, getting coffee in the HUB, dinner parties with couple friends.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? Maybe one.  And not more than two drinks.  I could count a handful of times that I've been DRUNK.

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? Gee.. probably 2-4 hours a weeknight.  DH was in grad school and then studying for CPA tests, so it wasn't like I was studying and he was out having fun.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? I had a roommate my freshman year, we became great friends immediately.  Still are.

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yup! Just one!

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? Oh wow... probably my best friend's wedding a few months after graduating from college. 

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? Like, re-do?  Go study abroad.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Yeah, I was pretty responsible.  Heck, we bought a condo when I was still in college.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? Would I want her to get married at 19, no.  Do I want her to be semi-responsible, study something she loves, and graduate on time? Yes. :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  •   1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world? WSU 2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time? I'd still do a four year school, but maybe a smaller, liberal arts school. 3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job? part time the first two years, full time the last two. 4. What did you do in your spare time? worked, studied, partied, hung out with friends 5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? probably two days in a typical week, a couple of drinks each. Just enough to have fun and not be too hung over the next day. 6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? several hours each weekday, more on weekends...stupid science major! 7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? yes, I had different roomates each year, and no, I'm cursed when it comes to picking good people to live with. Except DH of course! 8. Did you have a boyfriend/s? Yep, I was a chronic serial-dater. 9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school? The whole college experience was great, but I especially enjoyed the summer I stayed in Pullman. I took a couple classes, worked, it was very laid back and the weather was fantastic! 10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive? I loved the newness/fresh-start feeling of new classes each semester. I wish I could have that in the working world! 11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years? Probably most things, but I'll likely have to frame some things as in how they were a bad choice/good choice... 12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high school? I definitely want DD to go to a four year college. It's also really important to DH and me that she not have to struggle financially while in college like we did. I would love to be able to afford to send DD to any school she wants to attend, not just the most affordable one.
    Rachael and Tim - est. 10.2.04 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • 1. Did you go to community college, a 4 year college or start out in the working world?  I went to Highline for 2 years and then the UW for 2 years.

    2. Would you change your answer to #1 now if you could go back in time?  Nope.  I think I made the bestt choices I could and finished school debt-free.

    3. If you went to some type of school did you have a full time job? part time job?  In high school and college I worked at a mom and pop canoe and kayak shop.  It was the perfect job because it was part-time in the school year and full-time in the summer.

    4. What did you do in your spare time?  Between work and school there wasn't much but mostly I hung out with friends.

    5. How many days per week did you drink and how much? On the weekends with friends

    6. How much time did you spend on homework/studying if you went to some type of school? It seems like a lot.  I was a pretty dedicated student.

    7. Did you have a roommate? Did you get along? For the first 2 years I lived with my parents, and then I got married to DH.  We got along well enough.  13 years we're still married :)

    8. Did you have a boyfriend/s?  First a boyfriend, then a fiance then a husband.  We got married when we were 20.  I know lots of people regret getting married young for the obvious reasons but it worked out well for us.  Of course we waited until our 30's to have kids! 

    9. What was your best memory from your first 4 years after high school?  My wedding

    10. What is one thing you wish you could go back and relive?  I have a lot more opinions on weddings now so I'd love to plan it all again.  Of course it would probably cost a lot more money.

    11. Will you tell your kids anything they want to know about these 4 years?  Definitely.

    12. Would you want your child to make the same decisions as you after high   school?   If my kids met the right guy in high school I would definitely support them in doing what we did.  We were very responsible and knew what we were getting into.  Not every teenager is quite that mature though.

    Jen - Mom to Jillian (10/2008) and Hayden (4/2010)

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