
XP: Spoiled Milk?

When you properly freeze and store your milk, do you taste test it prior to feeding to make sure it hasn't gone bad? I had some milk frozen for about 5 months in a deep freeze that I unthawed today, and on a whim I taste tested it and it tasted AWFUL. Needless to say I dumped it all, but lost about 40 ounces. What could I have done wrong? I stored the individual BM bags inside a gallon sized freezer bag and promply froze. Any ideas? Thanks.

Eli and Charlie born at 33w6d image

Re: XP: Spoiled Milk?

  • a lot of us have had problems with milk stored in Lansinoh bags. You didn't by chance use those did you?
  • Yes I did use the Lansinoh bags! Do they not properly seal or block odors?
    Eli and Charlie born at 33w6d image
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  • mine were sealed, but it seems like the bags are somehow compromised and allow the milk to spoil. Even when you pump ans store immediately. I just switched back to Medela bags after losing about 30 ounces to the Lansinoh bags :(
  • Thank you for sharing this.  I will not be buying Lanisinoh!
    BFP 11/09...M/C 1/27/10...TTCAL 3/2010...IUI #1 9/2010 = BFN IUI #2 10/29/2010 = TWINS! EDD 7/25/2010 C-SECTION 7/7/11 at 37.5wks due to severe pre-eclampsia. Liliana born 6lb7oz and Anthony born 5lb4oz Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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