Does it ever itch, long after it has healed? I've had my tattoo for 1.5 years. Mine has been itching like crazy on and off lately, but I think might be a combo of seasonal allergies and Celiac Disease.
I have two and have never noticed them itching. Had one for about 7 years and the other for about 4. Have you tried lotion to see if that helps? Wondering if it's dry skin around it?
I usually forget to put lotion on it unless it is itching. (it is on my back). Dry skin is a good possibility, but my skin also itches when I eat gluten.
I have tats on both ankles and the one on my right doesn't ever itch got it 1996, the other ankle itches like a demon sometimes got it 98-99 ish, but at a different place than the first tat.
I think might have something to do with the ink?? no sure.
Been tested for all those nasty diseases though- so ain't
A couple of mine itch sometimes and get puffy. According to what I found on Google it's nothing to be concerned about and it's an allergy issue. HTH :-)
I have two and sometimes the one (7 years old) itches like crazy - gets all puffy too - for no reason. It usually just goes away after a day or so. The other one (17 years old) I've never had an issue with.
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006, StepMom to P,
Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
Re: If you have a tattoo
I have tats on both ankles and the one on my right doesn't ever itch got it 1996, the other ankle itches like a demon sometimes got it 98-99 ish, but at a different place than the first tat.
I think might have something to do with the ink?? no sure.
Been tested for all those nasty diseases though- so ain't
mine is 17 years old and it STLL itches randomly?!!
yesterday I was wondering what the heck- it seems so random!
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
Never. ?I've had one for ten years, another for 16. ?The one I just got is itching like a mofo right now though.
Does yours have red in it? ?Allergies to the red ink aren't common, but they do happen.