Georgia Babies

My publix experience tonight

OK I had to share because I thought it was funny.  So here I am in Publix tonight with Nate and here is this woman and her husband with their 6 kids and she is definitely the coupon shopper.  She is writing everything down and her husband is running back and forth and her kids are WILD.  So I happen to go down the isle she is on and I wait to pass because she is yelling at her husband to get her a price and her kids are everywhere.  I am not going to create more drama so I wait to pass because her kids are blocking.  She says  to her child "Cooper let this lady pass because isn't saying excuse me.  Just use your eyes or something next time so you know"  I didn't say a word and just use my eyes to say it all.

 OK why is it the people with HUGE families that coupon bring their kids to the store?  You see it on the TLC show.  Why can't one person go?

Re: My publix experience tonight

  • kepkep member
    Oh, wow! OK, the first thing that came to mind--and I have no idea if this is the case--is that sometimes stores have a limit as to the number of coupons per person. That probably isn't the case here now that I think about it, but that was what came to mind. More people, more coupons. ha
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  • imagesigkapbride:

     She says  to her child "Cooper let this lady pass because isn't saying excuse me.  Just use your eyes or something next time so you know"  I didn't say a word and just use my eyes to say it all.


    What? I think you left a few words out of that sentence, it doesn't make sense.

    She probably had to bring all her hellions with her to the store because she needs her husband's help for the $500 worth of groceries that she'll get for $5. Plus there are no coupons for babysitters so she probably couldn't justify the cost.

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  • i remember the old days where my mom and i went in and my dad and brothers actually sat in the car in the parking lot. it was in the evening so it was cool. i don't know why we did that either. they could have just stayed home!
  • JanimalJanimal member
    Sounds like you are being kind of hard on this lady.  6 kids in a grocery store - that's inconvenient for other shoppers but it's harder on her.  It's hard to take 6 kids anywhere - at least the grocery store is a relatively safe place to have them.  Judging this woman for taking her kids out of the house seems unfair to me.  Where should she be allowed to take them? 
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  • K&P414K&P414 member

    I would rather eat a bucket of hair than finagle 6 kids + my husband in the grocery store.  I dang near lose my mind when it's 2 kids + 1 husband.

    I had a great experience at the grocery store yesterday too.  There was 1 register open and I had to wait for the girl in front of me to make 4 transaction with 3 different EBT cards and then pay cash for all the stuff that wasn't covered including enough Red Bull float a village and Swisher Sweets. 

  • I understand what you were trying to say. You weren't being harsh at all. As if you were the one being rude because you were patiently waiting and not saying "excuse me".
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