so my 1st LO will be 22 months when LO #2 comes along- so i dont really think I will be having the actual 2u2 "experience" but for anyone who had kids about this span apart- do you have any advice? was it hard for LO #1 to adjust or since Lo was close to 2 was it somewhat easier?
Re: 2u2 for a short time- how was it?
My 2 girls will also be 22 months apart so I'm interested to see the replies!
My kids are just over 19 mos apart but I noticed it got easier as DS got older. Now he's 26 mos and he's more independent and less clingy. I make sure to have DS and Mommy time each day (usually after DD goes to bed).
I'm glad DD came when he was a bit younger because as DS' personality develops, he's used to having her around, if that makes sense. He adjusted very well.
Good luck!
Mine are two weeks inside of the 2U2 time frame. The first six weeks, DS1 was great with DS2. Since DS2 has become mobile and interested in DS1's toys, he's less enthused and there's a lot of "No baby!" going on in our house.
It's not that bad. Take EVERY offer of help you get. Even if it just so you can run to the grocery store with only one baby or alone once in a while.
Pack your patience and TALK to your DH and CLEARLY tell him what you want or need from him. COMMUNICATION is the key!
Good luck!