
Met a triplet MoM yesterday

DH and I took the kids out for his b-day last night. A nice place near us does a 'kid's eat free' on Sundays, so the place was full of small kids.

I wasn't really paying attention to all the other kids/parents when a mom walked up to me and asked how life was with twins. I muttered my typical response 'difficult, but worth it' and I turned away. Then she points to her kids and says 'we were hoping for a third child and ended up with triplets!'

I cannot even image. They had 5 kids (4 of them boys) under what looked like 7 yrs old!

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Re: Met a triplet MoM yesterday

  • THAT would freak me have 2 already and want just one more and then get not even 2 more but 3.  I know people on here talk about how sometimes it's annoying the comments people make, but sometimes ya just can't help but think "WOW glad that's not me"  LOL 

    I felt funny asking a couple at a pizza place a few weeks ago if their girls were twins, but couldn't resist, but then did tell them I'm expecting twins which is why I asked.  They were very kind and we chatted a bit.  I think that helps buffer the conversation haha  You just NOTICE more when you are expecting/have multiples.  I never noticed many before but now I can pick 'em out.

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  • pea-kaypea-kay member
    Ha ha! That poor lady!
    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
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  • I'm amazed how people handle twins period.  Let alone triplets, or already having several kids.  Sitting here pregnant, I worry if I'll be a good mom with just two! I do wonder if the women on here who have triplets are laughing at us Wink
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  • pea-kaypea-kay member

    I felt funny asking a couple at a pizza place a few weeks ago if their girls were twins, but couldn't resist, but then did tell them I'm expecting twins which is why I asked.  They were very kind and we chatted a bit.  I think that helps buffer the conversation haha  You just NOTICE more when you are expecting/have multiples.  I never noticed many before but now I can pick 'em out.

    exact same thing happened when i was pregnant. it was the weekend of my baby shower, and my BFF and i were at a mexican restaurant. i looked over and saw a family with three infant seats. i kept debating whether or not i should go say hi, but i finally decided to. i walked up, and you could see the trepidation in their faces. so i quickly said, "are those triplets? because i'm pregnant with triplets!" and then we all laughed and talked and exchanged email addresses and now she's a friend. :)

    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • imagepea-kay:

    I felt funny asking a couple at a pizza place a few weeks ago if their girls were twins, but couldn't resist, but then did tell them I'm expecting twins which is why I asked.  They were very kind and we chatted a bit.  I think that helps buffer the conversation haha  You just NOTICE more when you are expecting/have multiples.  I never noticed many before but now I can pick 'em out.

    exact same thing happened when i was pregnant. it was the weekend of my baby shower, and my BFF and i were at a mexican restaurant. i looked over and saw a family with three infant seats. i kept debating whether or not i should go say hi, but i finally decided to. i walked up, and you could see the trepidation in their faces. so i quickly said, "are those triplets? because i'm pregnant with triplets!" and then we all laughed and talked and exchanged email addresses and now she's a friend. :)

    DOH!!  I never think of stuff like that on the fly.  Maybe it's cuz it was the dad I was talking to.  I'll try to remember that in the future LOL  I don't think it hurts at ALL to have a good network of support locally.  I have 2 friends in my town with multiples, and one about an hour away with triplets, and then an acquaintance who is due 2 weeks before me with twins as well.  She and I will probably start having play dates since they will be so close in age.

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  • imagepea-kay:

    I felt funny asking a couple at a pizza place a few weeks ago if their girls were twins, but couldn't resist, but then did tell them I'm expecting twins which is why I asked.  They were very kind and we chatted a bit.  I think that helps buffer the conversation haha  You just NOTICE more when you are expecting/have multiples.  I never noticed many before but now I can pick 'em out.

    exact same thing happened when i was pregnant. it was the weekend of my baby shower, and my BFF and i were at a mexican restaurant. i looked over and saw a family with three infant seats. i kept debating whether or not i should go say hi, but i finally decided to. i walked up, and you could see the trepidation in their faces. so i quickly said, "are those triplets? because i'm pregnant with triplets!" and then we all laughed and talked and exchanged email addresses and now she's a friend. :)

    That is really cool! I have to say, I definitely make sure to mention in the first few seconds of dialogue with a MoM that I'm an expecting MoM, so they don't think I'm just another loon looking at the circus act :) The twin moms I talk to are mesmerized and wish me luck, the triplet moms just laugh and we joke about what we're getting ourselves into!

    ~*~ Nikki ~*~ DS born 2/18/08! TTC #2 since 01/2009 11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui 11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114 11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755 1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS! 6/20/11 And then there were six... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I was racing a half marathon yesterday, and I saw two ADORABLE twin girls in the crowd.  They were probably two with matching pink coats and blonde pigtails.  I screamed out, "EEEEK, TWINS!  I HAVE TWINS TOO!"

    I think I scared the girls, but the parents gave me a sweet smile and wave.

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  • Wow!  Triplets!  I can't even imagine! 

    We have 3 already and wanted one more and ended up with twins this time.  We will have 5 kids ages 5 and under.   I know it's going to be busy but we are thrilled!

    Kristi DS 12/05 DD 6/07 DD 3/09 DS 9/11 DS 9/11
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