
How to deal with tantrums with almost 2 year old?

DS is 22 months and lately has been throwing full blown tantrums.  (I never experienced this with my 4 year old son).  He will even hit himself in the face which scares me a bit.  He really does not get the concept of timeout yet.  I basically just tell him to stop behaving that way and ignore the tantrum because I think he is looking for more attention.  Eventually it goes away but I am wondering if I am handeling this correcctly?  I did just have ds3 2 weeks ago and the tantrums seem to have gotten worse since then so I am sure that has something to do with it...thank you for any advice!

Re: How to deal with tantrums with almost 2 year old?

  • Yeah, he's probably just frustrated and can't totally express himself yet.  I also go the "ignore" route when possible and I think that it works.  Good luck!
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  • I generally just try to ignore them the best I can.  I draw the line at hurting others or themselves.  I tend to strap DS into the stroller and go for a quick walk if he is really crazy.  Alternately, strapping him in the car seat for a few minutes if he is completely nuts is useful.  DD used to tantrum for up to an hour and that was harder.  It also happened a lot more frequently.  Getting enough sleep is helpful, as is keeping them fed, but ultimately, I never had too much luck with preventing them.  Just live through them.  DD seldom has them now, but when she does, they are horrible.  I just kind of shut down and try to hold her until she calms, but if she hurts me, the car seat is the only option. 
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  • I am reading the book , parenting by the book(bible). It had some really great ideas in there about discipline. How to deal with these types of things. I haven't gotten to tantrums yet but I got to hitting and yelling and they seemed great too me. I don't know if I could ignore a child acting like that. It would make me crazy. I suppose I should do some research before my 6 mo baby gets to that stage:/
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