
Barbie cake?

Has anyone made one? I plan on doing a Tangled one for Ava's b-day but want to hear from someone who has made one! 
I plan on using this recipe since it is egg/dairy free.  
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}

Re: Barbie cake?

  • Me and my sis made these ALL the time growning up. SO fun!

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • I made a Cinderella one for DD's 3rd birthday!  I used a bundt pan that I already owned and bought a Cinderella doll from Target so that she could keep it afterwards.  I wrapped Cinderella in saran wrap to protect her dress.  And, because she was a bit taller than the cake, I used poster board to make up the difference.  I just iced right on the poster board and then took it off when I cut the cake.  Ignore my pathetic frosting skills!!


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