Wondering when you mommas of older babies noticed your preemie "catching up" to their actual age? I feel like this past month or so has been crazy and DD is totally catching up to her actual age! I think by the time she is 1 she will be caught up developmental-wise, but size wise she will be teeny tiny :P
Re: When did your preemie 'catch up'
Our 30 weekers are a little over 2 now and are still not totally "caught up." But I use that loosely... the issues they are facing now are purely developmental and any "normal" child could also be facing the same obstacles. Currently they can't jump with 2 feet off the ground... but I'm not worried. It's the only motor skill they really don't have.. besides like pedaling a bike. And they are using 2-3 word phrases... which in some instances would be considered a little language delayed, but they are twins, they are boys, they are two, and they hear 2 languages. So I can't exactly blame it on being a preemie (and I'm a speech therapist).
Size wise... they have been on a "typical" chart since they were around 8 months old. Nathan is now in the 75th percentile for weight, 50th for height. Joey is 50th for weight and 30th for height.
Cooper would have a huge developmental gain, and then slow down. I think all kids do things in their own time. He would be caught up at 6 months, and then develop his social skills but not his motor skills and be "delayed" in that area at 9 months. Milestones are always exciting! Just remember that preemies get until 2 to catch up, and many pediatricians actually go by the "1 year for every month early" rule. Good luck!