So i'm a toddler teacher, and this year they moved me up with my class, so i've had my same munchkins for over 2 years, i love them to death, i have become very attached, and have become very close to their families (maybe since i don't have my own yet) so one of my favorite little boys, the parents invited me to his birthday of course i went, thinking oh fun! and it was genuinely a great party, hanging out with parents and their kids outside of work, but if i had to hear one more person ask me, 'so, when are you guys gonna start?" i just kept saying, 'yea, we're workin' on it" but ...ahhhhh i wanted to scream, and the more they asked the more sad i became, then i just had to go to the bathroom i almost lost it, because then i'm there watching all these happy families, just wishing i had my own
and i know, god will give us our baby when the time is right, but i just can't stand people asking all the time, one of my moms opened up to me about her infertility, so i was sitting at a table and she came and sat down, and was asking about my test on friday, etc, it's nice at least one person knows LOL
but i love the little boy who's birthday it was, and i love my munchkins, so i ended up playing with them instead of socializing with their parents, sometimes that's just easier lol
Re: where's mine? (kids mentioned)