About two weeks ago I gave each of the kids their first formula (about an ounce each) and they did fine. I even blogged about it -
Fast forward to yesterday when my stupid lansinoh bag ruined 7+ oz of milk for me, I keep formula powder in my diaper bag just in case, so I tried to give the kids formula then and they gagged on it. I brushed it off thinking I hadn't done a good enough job cleaning the rancid BM out of the bottles (we were at the mall) and that's what they were still tasting.
So today, on a whim, I decided to try formula again and lo and behold DS gagged on it again. Refused to take the bottle. DD did fine with it. I only planned to EBF until the babies were 6 months old and then I was hoping to transition to formula.
Has anyone had this happen? How did you get your LO to start taking formula? I feel bad even forcing something on him that makes him gag. How horrible. But I realllllly don't want to nurse indefinitely.
Re: Gagging on formula
thanks ladies, I tried the switcheroo tonight and added 1 oz of formula to BM and he took it, although at first he spit the bottle out and I thought WTF. But I think he was just tired. Thank goodness.
This will be fun as we rarely bottle feed. Its just easier to nurse. But you do what you have to do.
@dulcinea - the formula I have is Good Start. I got it free from our pedi. But I'm going to be switching to Alimentum when we really make the transition b/c DD has a milk protein sensitivity.
It's always something :P
Good luck. I just put two of my boys on the Alimentum because they have severe eczema and we are trying to rule out a milk allergy. They have been formula fed since birth and one of them hated the Alimentum so much he gagged and then threw up all over DH.
What are you going to do?? Have you tried Neosure yet?
We decided to just do the test with the one boy who will tolerate the Alimentum. If it helps him we will have to figure out how to transition the puker. We also have an appointment with a pediatric dermitologist next week for further guidance.
We used neosure for the first month or two. They were fine with that but I think it's milk based.
We did try soy and he will tolerate that but it didnt' seem to be helping with the eczema so he is either allergic to milk and soy or his formula has nothing to do with his skin issue.
If you have trouble switching to Alimentum is soy an option? The Alimentum is gross. It even smells gross to me, not that regular formula smells great but Alimentum is worse.