If you work a f/t job, what time do you get home and when do you cook dinner?
I get home at 5 if the babies are home, 5:30 if they are at daycare or gramma's. I give them their solids when we get home and then play with them. I haven't seen them all day so i don't want to put them in front of the tv so i can make dinner. Sometimes dh is home, sometimes he's not (mostly not home until around 6ish) We start bedtime routine between 6-6:30. Last bottle at 6:30 and usually they are in bed by 7-7:30. Then i start making dinner. It sucks. It's so late. I can't figure out when to make dinner LOL.
help!! Thanks...
Re: for working MoMs
Whoever picks up the kids also makes dinner. We have them in the kitchen with us, usually banging on pots and pans or playing with spoons. When the other parent gets home, they take over playing with the kids while dinner gets made.
It's very important to us that we eat a family dinner. When the twins were eating purees, we'd feed them while we ate. Now they eat what we eat, for the most part, and when we eat it.
I've thought about this but a friend of mine had a house fire due to using one of these and i'm petrified. I'm thinking of maybe making some meals on a sunday for the week..but who has the time. Sat & Sun are my days to get things done around the house or take the babies out to do something fun. I don't want to me stuck in the house unless it's crappy out. Love your new siggy pic by the way...they are gorgeous!
lol sorry..i believe her crockpot was a very old one. But it still makes me nervous because i have animals at home during the day. CA is awesome!! You also have Baja fresh which we don't. Well we do but the closest one to me is 2hrs away!! Sucks. I'd eat that everyday!! Sorry you are up by the way
We are on a very late schedule in our house. I get home between 530-6. DH is then at work so I'm home alone with the girls. Babies go down for nap at 6. I make dinner then. When they wake up at 7 they get solids and hopefully I have eaten by then, otherwise we eat together. (DH gets leftovers for lunch the next day). This schedule is 4 days/week. I clean up dinner and the kitchen mess when babies go down for the night around 930-10. I don't know WTH I'm going to do when they drop the evening nap. Eek. One day at a time for now...
Hey there Piccolina!!! How are you?? Thanks for the tip. I am just so tired that it takes all i have to make one dinner lol but i will try this because then i'll prob just end up making one and cooking one as i'll have it all together the night before. good idea and thanks for the chicken recipe. Does sound really good. I think i'll make that with rice tomorrow night!!
Hey there Piccolina!!! How are you?? Thanks for the tip. I am just so tired that it takes all i have to make one dinner lol but i will try this because then i'll prob just end up making one and cooking one as i'll have it all together the night before. good idea and thanks for the chicken recipe. Does sound really good. I think i'll make that with rice tomorrow night!!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I get home at 5:00, dinner is at 5:30. But, when my kids were young, they ate at 5:30 and I ate when they went to bed. Once they were eating table food, I made one meal for all of us.
I did a lot of cooking ahead - frozen meatballs, pastas, cooked chicken - to make making dinner easier. Have you looked into Once a Month cooking? That may be an option. I also only make dinners during the week that can be ready in 30 minutes or less. We do a lot of pastas, quesadillas, tacos, and sandwiches. Bigger meals are for the weekends. I try to do double batches so I have some to freeze as well.