Northern California Babies

Olive Update

Hi Friends,

Thank you so much your well-wishes and thoughts for the last 9+ months!  Olive Beecroft was born on Tuesday night! (Thanks for keeping everyone posted, Zoe!)  She is healthy and gorgeous!  She is a great sleeper and a great eater and we are all totally enamored with her, especially her big sister!  Eloise is totally obsessed with her Baby "Ditder" (sister) "Olish" and the transition is going great thus far (I am just trying to enjoy her fabo attitude while it lasts.  I am sure there will be some fall out eventually). 

After going into early labor on my own on Tuesday morning, I got "nudged" with pitocin at about 1 pm.  By 4:30 I was still only 6 cm (I'd arrived a 6 at 10:30 that morning) so my midwife wanted to break my water to get things moving.  We all guessed that once my water broke I would go at lightening speed and the whole team was nervous about my cervix and pushing too hard so she "strongly urged" me to get the epi.  At this point, I was feeling really good and calm and just sort of zen so I decided to continue to trust my MW's intincts and signed the epi order.  An hour after getting the epi, I pushed little Olive out in 4 easy, breezy pushes (DH said I used maybe 20% of the power pushing Olive out that I'd used pushing Weezy out).  I barely tore (2nd degree on my perenium and the recovery has been a cinch.  I am so much happier and more relaxed this time around and it is fabo not trying to do newborn stuff while in enormous amounts of pain.  Olive's birth was amazingly beautiful and I am so grateful to have had such a vastly different experiance this time!  I will try to post pics in a bit!

Thank you all again!  Take care!

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