
braxton hicks?

So if you had braxton hicks...

1) when did you start having them?

2) how often did you have them?

3) did you go into preterm labor? (prior to your induction date or 38 wks?)



Re: braxton hicks?

  • 1.  I started having them around 22/23 weeks

    2.  In the beginning, infrequently.  But at 27w, I went to L&D b/c I was having more than 5 an hour.  Turned out I was having them every 3 minutes, but didn't feel them all.  They stayed that way through the rest of my pregnancy - everytime I was monitored they showed up every three minutes.  I was put on modified bedrest at that point, but had no other issues.

    3.  I went into labor at 36w5d.  I think PTL is defined as labor before 37w, so I guess I qualify by 2 days.  That being said, I had no issues and the girls had no NICU time. 

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  • 1. Started noticing them around 20 weeks when I would be up and about with lots of activity

    2. They got more often/more noticable the later on in the pregnancy it got.  I went on bedrest w/ terbutaline for them around 26 weeks

    3. I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks and was hospitalized.  We held off labor for one week and I delivered at 34 weeks.

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  • Started having them around 19 weeks.

    They were very consistent, at least 4 per hour for the duration.  Occassionally they would go to every 10 minutes and these times I went to L&D to be monitored for preterm labor.

    The last time was at 34 weeks - I ended up with an emergency Csection, but not due to teh brax hicks - they were not doing anything to my cervix.

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