She is miserable lately, very testy, and no appetite. She claims her mouth hurts and when I give her tylenol (I still give infants because she is still within the weight for it) she goes back to normal. (FWIW I dont give it to her every day).
I have no idea if she has all of her teeth or not because she wont let anyone go near her mouth with a 10 foot pole and the last time I tried to stick my finger in there to feel around she bit me so hard that she broke skin. lol I'm scared to do that again! lol
So are there more teeth around this age or is something else going on?
Re: Are there any teeth coming in between 2.5-3 years old?
Has her 2 year molars come in yet (the second set of molars)? Here is a chart that will tell you if she should be getting more or if she is finished. If she is finished, I would call your pedi if she is still complaining on Monday. They may have you take her to a dentist.
I forgot to link the chart.
I don't think there should be any more after the 2 year molars. Do her gums look red or swollen? Maybe she has some kind of irritation/gingivitis.
My DD somehow contracted the oral herpes virus and it began with her gums becoming bright red and swollen. She didn't get an actual cold sore until a week or two later.
Hope you figure it out!
I'm not really sure if they are all in... I am actually taking her to meet my dentist in 3 weeks so i'll definitely ask then (and hope she lets them take a look).
yeah we always had to use a tickle method to look inside too!
DS is 2.5 and still hasn't gotten all of his teeth, but it's pretty rare for a kid that age to not have all their teeth. One of his canine teeth has just barely poked through (he has the other three) and he only has one of his two year molars. So it could be teeth, if she's a late teether. However, if she won't let you get near her mouth, this leads me to believe that she might not let you brush them properly, and if not, I'd be really concerned about a cavity.