He thinks he has a piece of metal in it. Or that he scratched it or something. It's been hurting since Thursday.
He's in VA right with my BIL and won't be home until Sunday night but I need to make him an appointment on Monday to have it checked out. And this is such a stupid question but do I just make him an appointment with the primary? Or do I find an eye doctor? And if it's the latter, how do I do that? Not like LensCrafters or something, right? Like just look up an optimologist (sp)???
I know, this is so ridiculous but I honestly have NO idea! I've never been to an eye doctor.
Re: Joe's eye is killing him. What doctor??
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Freaking hilarious Kitty! Love it!
Ok, so for Joe, just a straight up opthamologist then? He does act like a child...A LOT....so the pediatric one wasn't far off!
My H got metal in his eye. He was sent to the optometrist by his employer and was then referred to the opthamologist who removed it.
There is just no way I could even convince him to find an urgent care in VA right now. He just won't, I can almost guarantee it. He tends to not be an alarmist AT ALL when it comes to sickness/injuries, etc (almost to the point of annoyance, for me, who is a TOTAL worry wart) so I'm not even going to bother with suggesting it.
He's not positive it's a piece of metal but he THINKS that's what it is. (I think he was welding recently or something -- I don't know -- I was only half listening the other day when he started complaining about it! LOL I suck!). At any rate, I guess I'll go to yellow pages and look for an eye doctor??
Or send him to urgent care when he gets home. Although the urgent care around us (the one I know of) is actually also a PCP so I guess I'll just send him to our primary on Monday and take it from there.
Oh no, wait. Is urgent care = walk-in??
Or is urgent care something different? I was thinking of our local walk-in.