Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Introducing myself

I just wanted to introduce myself to this board as I just had my baby Friday afternoon (my due date was 5/22/11, it was a surprise until yesterday when we welcomed Madelyn Rose to our family).  For the most part I have been on the Pregnant after 35 board (I just turned 38 in April and this is my first baby), hopefully there are some older moms on this board.  Right now I have the resources at the hospital to answer my questions but when we come home, I'm sure I'll be chiming in with all sorts of questions and help assistance.  Looking forward to talking with you ladies.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Delivered 3 weeks and 2 days early via emergency c/s due to pre-e

Trying to Conceive Ticker image

Re: Introducing myself

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