Baby Names

Named already??

I had anatomy u/s on wednesday and we found out that we are having a little girl! I'm super excited. My DH and I went out to lunch after the u/s and he started talking about names and just throws out the idea of Amelia. (prior he wouldn't realy put effort into dreaming up names) I love this name and I have for years, its similar to a nickname my father has for me. BUT It seems too easy to just have her named like that. Now I feel like we're jumping into the naming too quick.

Before we knew the gender we weren't going to name her until meeting face to face. I keep thinking of her as Amelia though. I am torn on this. I'd love to tell her the story of how we named her someday and I want it to be special.  Am I nuts?

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Re: Named already??

  • It's fine if you have a name picked out right now, just don't go and get a million things monogrammed or engraved with that name just in case you change your mind later.  You've still got a ton of time until baby is born and you need to make it official on paper. 

    Also go through a week with that name.  Give the name to a restaurant for reservations, and say it outloud in front of a mirror.  Try this too:

    If it still feels right, then it's right.  Try not to overthink it (which is what I've been telling myself for a few weeks now due my own name conflict). 

    Good Luck! 

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  • I totally agree with everything TheWop said. It's not too soon to have a name, but could I make one suggestion? Don't tell anyone that you have decided yet. That way if you change your mind, there's no disappointment. Also, if you tell people the name, they may say "YUCK! I hate Amelia", which could persuade you to change the name. Then you're back to square one!

    I think it's great that your husband suggested a name you've always liked. It seems like Fate which would make a great name story to tell your daughter, in my opinion. Much better than telling her you argued over the name for months, if you ask me! Wink

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  • You got great advice from the PP- but no you aren't crazy- if my pregnancy turns out to be a girl- she's been named since I was in high school- I have a name, I love it and that's what my first girl will i dont think having a viseral reaction to name right away is a bad thing
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  • I think its a wonderful story you can tell her how you both fell in love with the name just after you fell in love with your little girl!!  If all babies were named that easy! 

    Its a given you will still look and listen for names and when your dd is born if you both still love the name it was meant to be!  Which is another beautiful story!  I personally love the name but my DH knows someone with that name that he doesn't like so much (story for all our vetoed names)

    Now that you have a name down you can start worrying about strollers, or diapers or a million other things lol 

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  • We named DS w/in a week of our anatomy scan. It was a name I always loved and DH did fits DS as well (we had a back up name in case). This time though, we can't think of anything...hoping that by my anatomy scan we can settle easily.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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  • That was how it was with us. We thought we were having a boy before the 20 week ultrasound; so we already had a boy's name picked out: Liam Henry.

    Then we found out she was definitely a girl, so within 2 hours she had a name. My husband suggested the name Reese which I always secretly loved; and we haven't wavered since. He had no preference for the middle name (and was perfectly happy with our kids not having a middle name)-so we just found one that fit. The next day the baby name books went into a box packed away.

    We haven't looked at them since.

    We also haven't wavered in our name choices at all either. Now that I am almost 37 weeks, I have no problem getting anything with her name monogrammed.

    Sometimes, it is JUST that easy.... 

    My daughter is my hero.
  • We had 2 names we both had loved prior to even being engaged. We waited to meet DD before officially giving her a name (although we were pretty sure ab Danica). So it was that easy for us too!

    Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12

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  • N, you're not crazy.  The instant I was that it was a boy on the ultrasound, in my head I said, "Hi, Henry!"  It was a name we had talked about, but hadn't decided on for sure.  The minutes I was "him" I knew that was his name.  We did talk more for the next 20 weeks, and didn't decide for certain until he was actually born, but it stayed the same (except for one week where I began to question it and started to change my mind).  I agree with pp, I still wouldn't share it in case you change your mind (which you might, and you might change it back, too).
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'm not even pregnant & we have a boy name:)
    Foster to adopt process started 8/2012:)
  • imageGeauxmama11:
    I'm not even pregnant & we have a boy name:)

    Same here although we are pretty set on both boy and girl names. That's not to say they couldn't change, but we've loved our choices for a while because they are family names.


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  • As someone who is still debating names with her DH, I don't see how this is a problem.  :)  Consider yourself lucky!  

    But I agree with PPs that you may feel better keeping it to yourselves for a little while just to "try it on".  Congratulations! 

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  • We had our names picked out before we were even engaged, so once we got pregnant (about 3 years later), we already knew what our LO would be named.

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  • We had our boys name picked from the day we decided to commit to one another permanently.  LOL.  The girl is still between 2, and we keep trying them in sentences to see what we like.
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  • If it's perfect, it's perfect! I have always loved the name Anne and my DD was named Anna by 17 weeks. :) We still have a fun story of how she got her middle name. You are going to give her a mn, right? Then, she's not done being named! ;)
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    Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
    Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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