Babies: 0 - 3 Months

we have a ghost and its freaking me out

ok i know this is weird but its late and im kinda freaked out...

so the other day i was changing ds and he looked up at the wall where there are fabric wall hangings above his changing pad on the dresser. he started crying and screaming spontaneously and then he stopped and one of the wall hangings fell off the wall. the nail was still in place it just came off the wall. ok, that was weird but what ever...

 last night i am feeding him in his room in the glider and i had an over whelming feeling of something behind me. it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and was so terribly uncommfortable.

tonight i am getting ready to put ds down and am nursing him in the glider. i had turned on his white noise machine and we were listening to the rain setting. it all of a sudden turned off. i went over and was able to push the button to turn it back on. it was not on a timer or anything.

dh is at a friends house and is staying there tonight so im all alone with ds. i brought ds downstairs and have him sleeping in his swing because im afraid to go in his room. i even brought his diapers and wipes down so i dont have to go back up there. i know im probably competely over reacting but i have an over whelming feeling of fear right now. i keep telling myself its silly and i need to be the adult here but its freaky! i am just counting down the hours until its morning and dh comes home. ugh, i hate being home alone at night!

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Re: we have a ghost and its freaking me out

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    Hope you got some sleep! That would be enough to freak me out too.
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    That does sound freaky!! 

    Once about 2 years ago, I was sitting and watching "Catch Me If You Can" at about 1:30 am and I felt like someone was watching me.  (Our couch is beside the back door, and we had no curtains yet and no fence since we'd just moved in).  I had the same feeling as you did.... an overwhelming fear, hair on end... I turned the movie off with just minutes to go til it finished and went up to bed (DH was fast asleep up there already).  The next day I told him about my feeling and told him that we needed to look at getting a fence immediately.  When he went into the back yard later that day to mow the lawn, he found a pizza crust on our patio dining set!!  Totally freaked me out, someone had clearly been out there!! 

    Point is, maybe there is a ghost - I'd be terrified if I were you!!  I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation, probably hire a psychic to try to communicate with it!!  I think though, it was more likely coincidence that all those crazy things happened!!  I hope you were able to get some sleep eventually!! 

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    We've had some ghostly happenings with baby as well. A few days after we brought her home my FI just randomly started crying while DD was napping in her bouncy seat. He had looked over at her and seen his mother (passed away almost 3 years ago now) staring down at her in the seat. I've also seen the bouncy seat start bouncing on it's own with nothing around it, and without C moving at all. 

    Also, about 2 weeks ago a good friend of mine passed away. After I got back from his funeral I called my best friend to chit chat, and as soon as I mentioned my deceased friends name the mobile on her swing started spinning around like someone gave it a whack!


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    ugh, i hate this kinda stuff!!!

    i haven't had any happenings with LO but a couple years back, i was laying in bed wide awake (i am SURE i was awake) and i saw a man come out of our bathroom and walk towards DH's side of the bed, right as i was about to wake him, the figure disappeared. it was VERY scary!

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    Talk about scary! I'm convinced DD's nursery is haunted as well, which is completely impossible considering our house is brand new and we've been the only owners to live in it. But there's been a few incidents where I've definitely felt something is not right with her room.

    DD still sleeps with us, but during her nighttime feedings I'll take her to the nursery so I don't disturb DH. One night I was changing her diaper and the cabinet door on her changing table kept popping open. I wasn't standing anywhere near it and it would keep popping open after making sure that it was securely closed multiple times. Then after a few minutes of messing with that, I also kept getting this weird feeling that someone was in the room with me. I finally had enough and went back to the bedroom and told DH he would just have to deal with me feeding her in there because there was NO WAY I would go back in that room by myself. Another time I could swear I heard a man's voice. It was only for a split second, almost like they said one single word and that was all and I couldn't make it out. I immediately looked out the window to see if it was someone outside yelling, but no one was there. I had DH search the entire house and still no one. So who knows... I can only assume it's my imagination playing tricks on me from being so tired and delirious. At least I hope!

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    That does sound freaky!! 

    Once about 2 years ago, I was sitting and watching "Catch Me If You Can" at about 1:30 am and I felt like someone was watching me.  (Our couch is beside the back door, and we had no curtains yet and no fence since we'd just moved in).  I had the same feeling as you did.... an overwhelming fear, hair on end... I turned the movie off with just minutes to go til it finished and went up to bed (DH was fast asleep up there already).  The next day I told him about my feeling and told him that we needed to look at getting a fence immediately.  When he went into the back yard later that day to mow the lawn, he found a pizza crust on our patio dining set!!  Totally freaked me out, someone had clearly been out there!! 

    Point is, maybe there is a ghost - I'd be terrified if I were you!!  I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation, probably hire a psychic to try to communicate with it!!  I think though, it was more likely coincidence that all those crazy things happened!!  I hope you were able to get some sleep eventually!! 

    My guess would have been some type of animal did that... a cat or a raccoon or something, could also have been watching the movie with you while eating it's pizza ;)

    And, I just wanted to say thanks everyone for giving me the creeps, even though it's broad daylight I'm going to go turn all the lights in my house on, because I hate feeling creepy! I know my house isn't haunted (it was built in 2006, we're the second owners) but I can't even watch Ghost Adventures anymore because I get the creeps and can't walk around my house without switching all the lights on!

    And, for my story... my husbands grandfather had a triple heart attack last November and ended up being put on life support. It was either that same night, or the next night that I was woken up at approximately 3am by what sounded like something heavy falling off of the night stand right next to my head, I didn't really think much of it (though why would something randomly fall off, who knows, you dont think of that stuff at 3am), about an hour or so later I heard something heavy fall in the bathroom that's attached to our bedroom, but I just went back to sleep again because we have pictures taped to the walls (my DH's doing, he doesn't want nail holes) that randomly fall off and make some noise. The next morning I searched all over for whatever fell off my nightstand, there was nothing amiss and nothing laying on the floor, anywhere around on the floor, or even under the bed, same story for the bathroom... I thought it was kind of freaky.

    The next night I was startled awake, not really sure how or why but I had this overwhelming urge to wake up my husband and say "Your grandpa is here" I was literally thisclose to doing it in my semi-awake state, but it scared me a little and I didn't want to freak my husband or make him cry anymore so I just tried to go back to sleep. The next day, before I even told him what had happened to me, my husband said he had woken up and felt like his grandpa was in the room with us... I'm pretty sure he had come to say goodbye to us.

    I don't really consider this story scary or anything, but I definitely believe in ghosts and the afterlife so it's kind of neat in a way.

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    ok i know this is weird but its late and im kinda freaked out...

    so the other day i was changing ds and he looked up at the wall where there are fabric wall hangings above his changing pad on the dresser. he started crying and screaming spontaneously and then he stopped and one of the wall hangings fell off the wall. the nail was still in place it just came off the wall. ok, that was weird but what ever...

     last night i am feeding him in his room in the glider and i had an over whelming feeling of something behind me. it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and was so terribly uncommfortable.

    tonight i am getting ready to put ds down and am nursing him in the glider. i had turned on his white noise machine and we were listening to the rain setting. it all of a sudden turned off. i went over and was able to push the button to turn it back on. it was not on a timer or anything.

    dh is at a friends house and is staying there tonight so im all alone with ds. i brought ds downstairs and have him sleeping in his swing because im afraid to go in his room. i even brought his diapers and wipes down so i dont have to go back up there. i know im probably competely over reacting but i have an over whelming feeling of fear right now. i keep telling myself its silly and i need to be the adult here but its freaky! i am just counting down the hours until its morning and dh comes home. ugh, i hate being home alone at night!

    not to freak you out more, but google "white noise" and "ghosts."  i had never heard about this theory until my mom mentioned it when she saw i put the baby white noise machine on my registry.  supposedly white noise attracts them.

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    ok i know this is weird but its late and im kinda freaked out...

    so the other day i was changing ds and he looked up at the wall where there are fabric wall hangings above his changing pad on the dresser. he started crying and screaming spontaneously and then he stopped and one of the wall hangings fell off the wall. the nail was still in place it just came off the wall. ok, that was weird but what ever...

     last night i am feeding him in his room in the glider and i had an over whelming feeling of something behind me. it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and was so terribly uncommfortable.

    tonight i am getting ready to put ds down and am nursing him in the glider. i had turned on his white noise machine and we were listening to the rain setting. it all of a sudden turned off. i went over and was able to push the button to turn it back on. it was not on a timer or anything.

    dh is at a friends house and is staying there tonight so im all alone with ds. i brought ds downstairs and have him sleeping in his swing because im afraid to go in his room. i even brought his diapers and wipes down so i dont have to go back up there. i know im probably competely over reacting but i have an over whelming feeling of fear right now. i keep telling myself its silly and i need to be the adult here but its freaky! i am just counting down the hours until its morning and dh comes home. ugh, i hate being home alone at night!

    not to freak you out more, but google "white noise" and "ghosts."  i had never heard about this theory until my mom mentioned it when she saw i put the baby white noise machine on my registry.  supposedly white noise attracts them.

    WHAT?!? lmao! im never going back in that room now!

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